Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/152

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The Rattler quits the Isle of Socoro for the Coast of Mexico: some account of our transactions there, and while we lay at anchor before the Island of Quibo, in the Gulf of Panama, to our arrival at the Isles of the Galipagoes, on and near the Equator.

December 6.
It was the ſixth day of December, when we loſt ſight of Socoro; and on the eighth in the afternoon, we made Moro Corona on the Coaſt of Mexico; we had pleaſant weather and the winds were between the North Weſt and the North Eaſt. I entertained a ſtrong deſire to ſee Paſſion Iſle before I made the coaſt, as it might have been of future advantage to fiſhers and cruizers; but my bread was become ſo bad as to be no longer in a ſtate to be eaten, which made every perſon on board anxious to get