Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/31

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Passage of the Rattler from England to Rio Janeiro.

1793.The ſlant of wind with which we ſet ſail continued to be fair no longer than midnight, and we were obliged to ply to windward until the January 7.ſeventh of January at noon; when, being cloſe in with the Start, and threatened with a gale of wind from the Southward, we bore up and anchored in Torbay for the night. The wind at day-light ſhifting to the North North Weſt, we weighed and ſtood out of the bay. This ſpirt carried us as far as the Eddyſtone Light-houſe, when it again

ſhifted to the Southward and blew freſh. We had now to beat off a lee-ſhore, and, by the preſs of ſail which we were obliged to carry, in order to accompliſh that object, and to get ten leagues to the Southward and Weſtward of the Lizard, we had three feet water in the hold from a leak in