Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/37

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1793.intercourſe can take place between the ſhip and the ſhore: the captain and officers muſt alſo ſign a declaration, acknowledging that they and their crew conſider themſelves as amenable to the laws of the country, while they remain in it.

The land-breeze, at this place, commences in the evening, and generally continues until the morning; the length of time it blows, as well as its ſtrength, depends on the different ſeaſons of the year; and all veſſels leaving this port muſt take the advantage of the land or leading wind, the mouth of the harbour being too narrow to turn out. We had no ſooner left the harbour, than the Patrimore took his leave of us. It may be proper, however, to remark in this place, that the commanders of merchant veſſels are required to give one day's notice, previous to their ſailing from this port.