Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/38

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Attempt to discover Isle Grand; and passage round Cape Horn.

1793.On leaving Rio Janeiro, I ſtood away to the Southward and Eaſtward to ſearch for the Iſland Grand, which is ſaid to lay in the Latitude of 45° South, and was the firſt object recommended to me by the Board of Admiralty. On theMarch 17. ſeventeenth of March, at noon, Latitude by obſervation 39° 33′ South; Longitude by the mean of chronometers 34° 21′ Weſt; and by account, 34° 25′; variation, 9° Eaſt. The ſea appeared of a pale green, and we ſaw many birds, ſome of which were ſaid by ſeveral of my people, to be of thoſe kinds which are ſuppoſed to indicate the vicinity of land; ſuch as ſand-larks, and a large ſpecies of curlew; but neither of the latter kinds of birds were ſeen by me. From noon of the ſeventeenth, until ſix in the evening, the wind blew from the South, South Eaſt, and we ſtood away to the Southward and Weſtward: it then became