Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/529

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C 906


Fifty of thefe were chofe each Year out of each Tribe 5 the Cri ticks, to thofe Authors who publi/h Books under

and to thefe were nominated fifty more, to fupply the falfe, or feigned Names.

places of the former, in cafe of Death or Male-adminiftra- Much as the Name Cryptonymus is given to thofe who

tion- publifh under fecret and difguifed Names ; and jfnonymus

The Tribes took the Government by turns 3 each after to thofe who publi/h without any Names at all. See Ano-

other, for the fpace of thirty-five Days. - nymous.

All the fifty Prytanei of the Tribe did not govern toge- _ The Apoflolical Conflict

ther during thofe five Weeks; but in Companies, ten at a time, chofen by Lot; feven Days each Company: After which, another Tribe came into play; and had its five Weeks after the fame manner.

This was an Eftablifhment of Solon. Scaliger is mifta- ken, when he fays the Tribes took their Turns every day. See Tribe.

PSALM, a Divine Song, or Hymn. See Song, and Hymn.

The Word is now appropriated to the CL&falntS of Da- vid; and the Name Canticle, ut Sojig, given to other pieces of the fame kind, compofed by other Prophets and Pa- triarchs.

The Antients, as is obferv'd by St. Augufin, made this difference between a Canticle or Song, and a 'Pfalm ; that the former was fung folitacily, or by the Voice alone; but the latter accompany'd with a Mufical Inftrument.

The 'Pfilms, in the antient Editions, are divided into five Books.) nor is tDavtd's Name found at the Head of more than fevemy-ihree oi them ; tho' fome, and among the reft.

the greater Epiftles of St. Ignatius, &c. are ufually fuppofed to be Tfeudonymous. See Constitutions..

The Word is form'd from die Qreek 3-evJW Lye; and SwjK*, Name.

PSEUDO-DIPTERE, in the antient Architecture, a Temple with eight Columns in Front; and a tingle Row of Columns all around. See Temple.

The Word fignifies fMjk or imperfeH Diptere ; and is ufed to diftinguifh this, trom the Diptere ; which had two Rows of Columns all around. See Diptere.

PSEUDO-STELLA, in Aflronomy, any kind of Meteor or Phenomenon, newly appearing in the Heavens, and re- fembling a Star. See Meteor, &c.

PSILOTHRIX, in Medicine, Depilatory; or fomcthing proper to make the Hair tall. See Depilatory.

Such are ftrong Lixivium.-;, Quick-Lime, Ants Eggs, Sandarac, Orpiment, and Arfenic.

The Word is form'd from the Greek <&/?.«, dcglabro, I flea, or take oft' the Bark ; and &e)f, Hair.

PSOAS Magma, or Lumbaris, in Anatomy, a round,

St.Auguflin, and St. Chryfofiora, attribute all the hundred hard, fie fhy Mufele, which arifes from the mrthial Side of

and fifty to him without exception.

The jews, however, were always of another Sentiment ; and 'tis certain there are fome few, at leaft, that are not

his St. fferom obferves, among the Number, feveral

that were compofed long time after David. Du 'Pin adds, that 'tis difficult to a/certain the Authors; all we know oi the Buuk, is, that 'tis a Colic cl ion of Songs, made by Ef dras.

The Gradual 'Pfa'tms, were thofe antiently fung on the Steps of rhe "i eni) li . See GRADUAL.

The Penitentiary Pfal/flS, were not formerly the fame with thofe now cail'd by that Name. See Peniten- tiary.

The Word is form'd of the Latin Pfalmus ; and that from cbt Greek 4-«to», I ftng.

PSALMODY, the Art of finging Pfalms. See Psalm and Singing.

PSALTER, the Book, or Collection of Pfalms, afcrib'd to David. See Psalm.

There are an Infini y of Editions of the Pfalter—Ai/gnf- tin Jtiftinian^ a Dominican, and Ei/hop of Nebo, pub- li/li'd a Polyglot Pfalter at Genoa, in r 5 16 ; Contarimis pub- lifh'd the PfaUer in Hebrew, Greek, Chaldee, and Arabic, with Latin Notes and Gloffes. See Polyglot.

Psalter is alfo ufed among Religious for a large Chap let, or Roiary ; confiding of 150 Beads Pfalms in ihcPfalter — St.Dominic is faid to have been the Inventor. See Rosary.

PSALTERY, Psalter ion, a Mufical Inilrument, much in ufe among the antient Hebrews; who cail'd it NebeL

We know but little of the precife Form of the antient Pfaltery 1 That now in ufe, is a flat Inftrument, in form of a Trapezium? or a Triangle truncated a-top.

It is itrung with thirteen Wire Chords, fet to Unifon or

Octave ; and mounted on two Bridges on the two fides

It is ftruck with a PleHrum, or little Iron Rod ; or fume

the tranfverfe Proceffes of the Vertebra: of the Loins, with- in the Abdomen ; and defcending upon part of the internal Side of the Ilium, is inferred into the lower part of the

little Trochanter It is the firft of the Flexors of the

Thigh. See Flexor and Tinon.

Psoas 'Parvus, arifes flefhy from the Infide of the up- per Vertebra; of the Loins, and hath a thin, and broad Tendon, which embraces the Pfoas Magnus, and which is inferred into the Os Innominatum, where the Os Pubis and Ilium join together.

This, tho' ordinarily reckon'd among the Mufcles of the Thigh, properly belongs to the lower Venter.

PSORA, in Medicine, a cutaneous Difeafe, called by the Latins, Scabies; by the Englifj, Itch. See Itch.

The Pfora is defcribed by Celfus, as a reddifh Hardnefs and Roughnefs of the Skin, from an Eruption of Pu files thereon; fome dryer, others moifter ; and oozing out a fa- nious Marrer, that occasions a continual Pruritus.

Thefe Eruptions are mutt frequent about the Junctures of the Limbs, and between the Fingers; in fome they fpread over the whole Body; in others they foon ceafe j and in fome return at certain Seafons of the Year.

In Youth, this Difeafe frequently prevents others, or

cures their, It fometirnes degenerates into a Leprofy.

The dry is much more difficultly cured than the moift, the Number of which arifes from a Diforder in the Humours or Vifcera. Willis derives the Difeafe from a /harp, faline Humour, occafionins an Itching.

Some of the later Phyficians will have it to confift in a number of little Animals preying on the Skin : And hence it is, that it becomes fo very contagious.

Willis obferves, that in this refpeel it is fecond to no o- ther Difeafe, but the Plague ; which many conjecture to arifein like manner, from Animalcules.

For the Cure, Screlli recommends a Lotion of black Soap, for poor People, £&. Bur the Soap to be foon

times a crooked Stick 5 whence it is ufually ranked among wafh'd off*, left it excoriate the Skin. Where the Difeafe

the Inftruments of Percuffion. is inveterate, recourfe is had to Salivation. See Saliva-

Its Cheft, or Body, is like that of a Spinet. It has its tion.

Name a Tfallendo ; fome alfo call it Nablum, or Nab- The Word is Greek, 4>&e& Itch.

Hum. Hence, PSORICA are Medicines good againft Scabs,

Tapias gives the Name 'Pfaltery to a kind of Flute ufed and other cutaneous Eruptions.


Churches, to accompany the Singing ; in Latin, bucum.

PSAM'SMUS, in Medicine, a Term fometimes ufed for a Eath of dry and warm Sand, to dry the Feet of drop- fical Perfons upon. See Bath, &c.

The Word is form'd from the Greek -J.^^?, Sand, or Gravel.

PSOROPHTK ALMIA, is a kind of 'Ophthalmia, accom- pany'd with a Pruritus, or Itching. See Opthalmia.

The Word is form'd from -4>»?"*, Itch; and c^aKuoi, Eye.

PSYCHOLOGY, a Difcour-fe concerning the Ssul. See Soul

Anthropology, or the Science which confiders Man, enn- PSATYRIANS, Psatyriani, a Seft of Arians, who fifts of two parts: The firft treating of the Body, and the in the Council of Antwch, held in the Year 360, maintain'd parts belonging theren; ; cail'd Anatomy : And the fecond that the Son was not like the Father, as to Will ; that he of the Snul, cail'd Tfychology.

was taken from nothins, or made of nothing ; and that in The Word is form'd from the Greek 4-^'xK Soul ; and God, Generation was nut to be diilinguifh'd from Creation, xoy^, Difcourfe.

See Arian. PSYCHOMANCY, a kind ofMagick, or Divination

PSEUDO, a Term, or Particle, ufed in the Compofi- perform'd by raifing the Souls of Perfons deceas'd. See tion of divers Latin and Englijh Words; in the Senfe of Divination.

falfe, or lying.

Thus we fay a Pfendo Martyr, q. d. a falf e Witnefs ; Pfeitdo- Prophet, Pfeudo Apoftle, Pfeudo Chrift, & c .

The Word is form'd from the Greek 4^<JV>, dec ipio,f alio, I deceive. PSEUDONYMUS, Pseudonymous, a Name given by

The Word comes from 4 y 7) an d LtavTziet^ Divination PSYCHROMETER, an Inftrument for meafurins; the

Degree of Moifture or Humidity of the Air; more ufually

cail'd Hygrometer. See Hygrometer.

The Word is form'd from the Greek 4-vpc^.*, humid, and

nW&t> t Mcafure,