Page:Devonshire Characters and Strange Events.djvu/944

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Vindication of Sir Richard Grenville, 211

Vines, Rev. Mr., 577

Virginia, 136, 234, 236, 237, 279, 605

Virte, Baroness de, 631

Visions, 583, 725. See also Warnings

Vitifer mines, 700-704

Wakelin, William, 694

Walker, J., 750

Walker, Richard, 693

Walkhampton, 618

Walpole, Sir Robert, 4, 419, 420

Walreddon, 187, 196, 202, 208, 209

Want, Mr., 397

Wapping, 230

Warburton, Mr., 405, 412

Ward, William, 693

Wardship, law of, 194

Warminster, 434

Warne, Mr., 702

Warnings of death, 586, 590, 591, 719. See also Bird of the Oxenhams

Warren, David Spencer, 669, 682, 693

Warren Inn, 700, 702, 703, 707

Warren, James, 520

Washfield, 14

Washington, 697

Washington, John, 698

Water ford, 269

Waterhouse, Henry, 697

Watts, G. F., 457, 476

Waugh, Edwin, 326, 328

Waymouth, Peter, 494

Wayside Warbles, 328

Wearmouth, Susanna, 602

Webber, Simon, 519

Weekes, Katherine, 712-715

Weekes, Richard, 709-717
— takes possession of North Wyke, 713

Weekes family, the, 710

Weekly Times, The, 558

Weeks, William, and family, 292-296, 300

Welcombe, 534

Welland, 135

Welland, Anna Maria, 133, 134

Welland, John, 133

Wellington, 175, 553

Wellington, Duke of, 18, 19

Wells, 463

Wells, James, 699

Wemble, Captain, 108

Wembury, 107

Wesley, John, 508

West, Benjamin, 571, 745

Westbury, 41

West Combe Park, 419

Westcote, 183

Western Antiquary, The, 502 note

West Indies, 387

Westminster, 373

Westminster Abbey, 421, 456

Weston, Mrs. Elizabeth, 257

West Webburn, 700

West Worlington, 262

Wexford, 269

Weymouth, 158, 314, 315

Weymouth, Lord, as a beggar, 432, 433, 434

Wharton, 418

Wharton, Duke of, 243

What a Blunder, 353

Wheal Fortune, 499

Wheeler, Amos, 685

Whimple, 14

Whitaker, Rev. John, 511, 570

Whitbread, 745

Whitchurch, 97, 532

White, Ensign, 670

White, Nicholas, 269

Whitechapel Churchyard, 367

Whitefield, George, 430

Whiteford, S. T., 368

White-Sour cyder, 10, 13

Whitestone, 7, 8, 56

Whiteway, Mr. H., 13, 14 note

White Witches, 70
— Mistress Tucker of Exeter, 71
— Mistress Snow of Tiverton, 72, 80
— Old Marianne, 74
— at Callington, 81
— their wonderful perception, 73
— levy blackmail, 74
— their recipes, 77, 79
— modern instances of their craft, 82

Whitfeld, Mr. F., 62, 64, 106, 300, 641

Whitford, Joseph, 662

Whittlebanks, Edward, 698

Whyte, R.N., Commander R. C., 783

Widdecombe-on-the-Moor, 518, 622, 624, 627, 707

Widworthy, 772

Wife-sales, 58-69
— advertisement of, 60
— rules for, 64, 69

Wilkie, David, 462