Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 12.djvu/376

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in Latine and Englyshe, eche correspondente to the other after the vulgare texte, communely called S. Jeromes. Faythfullye translated by Johan Hollybushe,’ Southwarke, J. Nicolson, 1538, 4to. (This edition is also very inaccurate, although it differs considerably from (α) both in the English and Latin.)

Coverdale's other writings are: 1. ‘A Worke entytled of ye Olde God and the Newe, of the Olde Faythe and the Newe, of the Olde Doctryne and ye Newe, or originall Begynnynge of Idolatrye,’ London, J. Byddell, 1534, 12mo (anonymous; translated through the Latin of H. Dulichius from ‘Vom alten und newen Gott,’ 1523; among the books prohibited in 1539 (really 1546, see No. 10), according to the first edition of Foxe (1562–1563, p. 574), also prohibited in convocation 1558, see Wilkins, Concilia, iv. 163). 2. ‘A Paraphrase upon all the Psalmes of Dauid, made by Joannes Campensis, reader of the Hebrue lecture, in the universite of Louane, and translated out of Latyne into Englyshe,’ London, n. d., 16mo (in Cotton's ‘Editions of the Bible,’ 1852, p. 135, two undated editions, one printed by T. Gibson, are mentioned as appearing in 1534 and one in 1535. The translation, which is attributed to Coverdale by Bale, is from the Latin text printed by Regnault at Paris in 1534). 3. ‘The Concordance of the New Testament, most necessary to be had in ye handes of all soche as the communycacion of any place contayned in ye New Testament, anno 1535,’ T. Gibson, small 8vo (attributed to Coverdale by Bale). 4. ‘A faithful and true Prognostication upon the Year 1536, translated out of High German,’ 1536 (among the prohibited books mentioned by Foxe, 1st edition, p. 573; the ‘Prognostication’ also printed by Kele for 1548 and 1549; authorship doubtful). 5. ‘A very excellent and swete Exposition upon the two and twentye Psalme of David, called in Latyn, Dominus regit me et nihil. Translated out of hye Almayne into Englyshe by Myles Coverdale, 1537’ [col.] ‘Imprinted in Southwarke, by James Nycolson for John Gough,’ 16mo (translated from Luther; this is the 23rd Psalm, according to the notation of the Hebrew text). 6. ‘How and whither a Christen man ought to flye the horrible plage of the pestilence. A sermon by A. Osiander. Translated out of hye Almayn into Englishe,’ Southwarke, J. Nicolson, 1537, small 8vo; and London, L. Askell, n. d., small 8vo (anonymous; at the end is ‘A Comforte concernynge them that be dead’). 7. ‘The Original and Sprynge of all Sectes and Orders by whome whan or were they beganne. Translated out of hye Dutch in Englysh,’ J. Nicolson for J. Gough, 1537, 8vo, two editions (see FOXE, 1st edition, p. 574). 8. ‘The Causes why the Germanes wyll not go nor consente unto the councell which Paul 3 hath called to be kept at Mantua,’ Southwarke, J. Nicolson, 1537, 8vo (ascribed to Coverdale by Bale). 9. ‘An Exposicion upon the Songe of the Blessed Virgine Mary, called Magnificat. Translated out of Latine into Englyshe by J. Hollybush,’ Southwarke, J. Nicolson, 1538, 8vo (see Foxe, 1st edition, p. 574; it will be remembered that Nicolson placed the name of Hollybush upon the title of the Latin-English Testament of 1538—see above). 10. ‘Goostly Psalmes and Spirituall Songes drawen out of the Holy Scripture for the comforte and consolacyon of such as loue to reioyse in God and his Worde’ [col.] ‘Imprynted by me Johan Gough,’ n. d., 4to. The only copy known is in the library of Queen's College, Oxford. Bale mentions that Coverdale translated the ‘Cantiones Vuitenbergensium’ (i.e. the ‘Walther'sches Gesangbuch,’ first published at Wittenberg, 1524), but Professor A. F. Mitchell first pointed out (The Wedderburns and their Work, 1867, small 4to) that the ‘Goostly Psalmes’ were translated from the German hymn-books. In the ‘Academy’ of 31 May 1884 Mr. C. H. Herford gave the result of his independent investigations, and Professor Mitchell contributed a letter 28 June 1884. A table of Coverdale's hymns and their correspondences with the Kirchenlied is in Herford's ‘Studies in the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the 16th century,’ 1886, 8vo (pp. 17–20; see also pp. 8–16, 399–402). The Rev. J. Mearns will also supply a table, giving the first lines of the English and of the German hymns, in his article on the ‘Goostly Psalmes’ in the forthcoming ‘Dictionary of Hymnology’ (Academy, 21 June 1884). Coverdale introduced some metrical novelties, and the ‘Goostly Songs’ hold an interesting position in English hymnology. They are selected from originals published between 1524 and 1531. Professor Mitchell thinks they contain an imitation of a hymn which first appeared as late as 1540, but Mr. Herford does not take this view. Among the books attributed to Coverdale in the catalogue of books forbidden at the end of the injunctions issued by Henry VIII in 1539 (see Foxe, 1st edition, p. 573) appears ‘Psalmes and Songes drawn, as is pretended, out of Holy Scripture.’ But the catalogue of forbidden books is omitted in subsequent editions of Foxe, and Townsend (see his edition, v. 565–6, and app. xviii) points out that it was not issued until 1546. 11. ‘Fruitfull Lessons upon the Passion, Buriall, Resurrection, Ascension, and the Sending of the Holy Ghost, gathered