Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 12.djvu/377

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out of the foure Evangelists; with a plaine Exposition of the same by Miles Coverdale’ (adapted from H. Zwingli's ‘Brevis commemoratio mortis Christi;’ Tanner says an edition was printed at Marpurg between 1540 and 1547, 8vo; also London, T. Scarlet, 1593, 4to). 12. ‘The Old Faith, an evident probacion out of the Holy Scripture, that the Christen fayth (which is the right, true, old, and undoubted fayth) hath endured sens the beginnyng of the worlde. Herein hast thou also a shorte summe of the whole Byble, and a Probacion that al vertuous men haue pleased God and were saved through the Christen fayth, 1541, by Myles Coverdale,’ 1541, 1547, 16mo (translated from Bullinger's ‘Antiquissima Fides et vera Religio;’ reprinted in 1624, 4to, as ‘Looke from Adam and behold the Protestant's Faith and Religion evidently proved out of Holy Scriptures.’ 13. ‘A Confutation of that Treatise which one John Standish made agaynst the protestacion of D. Barnes in the yeare 1540, wherein the Holy Scriptures (perverted and wrested in his sayd treatise) are restored to their owne true understanding agayne by Myles Coverdale’ [Marpurg, 1541? and 1547?], small 8vo. 14. ‘The Christen state of Matrimonye, the orygenall of Holy Wedlok, what it is, how it ought to proceade, contrary wyse, how shamefull a thinge whordome and aduotry is, and how maried folkes shulde bring up their children in the feare of God. Translated by M. Coverdale,’ 1541, small 8vo, 1543, with preface by T. Becon, 1547 (?), 1552, and 1575, J. Awdeley, 16mo, with four additional chapters, but without Becon's preface (translated from the Latin of H. Bullinger). 15. ‘The Christian Rule or State of the World, from the hyghest to the lowest: and how everie Man should lyue to please God in his callynge,’ 1541, 1552, 16mo (ascribed to Coverdale by Tanner). 16. ‘The Actes of the Disputacion in the Cowncell of the Empyre holden at Regenspurg [1541]: That is to saye, all the Artycles concernyng the Christen Relygion, set forthe by M. Bucere and P. Melangton. Translated by M. Coverdale, 1542,’ small 8vo. 17. ‘A Christen Exhortacion unto Customable Swearers what a ryght and lawfull Othe is: whan, and before whom, it ought to be. Item, the Maner of Sayinge Grace, &c. [in verse],’ 1543 (?), 1545 (?), 1547 (?), 1552, and 1575, 16mo. 18. ‘A shorte Recapitulacion or Abrigement of Erasmus Enchiridion, brefely comprehendinge the summe and contentes thereof. Drawne out by M. Coverdale, anno 1545,’ Ausborch, 1545, 16mo (an abridgment of the ‘Enchiridion Militis Christiani’). 19. ‘The Defence of a certayne poore Christen Man, who else shuld haue bene condemned by the Popes lawe’ [col.] ‘Printed at Nurenbergh and translated out of Douche into Englishe by Myles Couerdale in 1545 in the laste of October,’ 16mo. 20. ‘The second tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the Newe Testament,’ London, E. Whitchurche, 1549, folio (dedication to the king on behalf of ‘the translatours and printer of this right fruteful volume,’ signed ‘M. Couerdall,’ who translated the Epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians; the remainder is by Olde, Coxe, and others, see Strype, Eccles. Mem. ii. pt. i. 45–8). 21. ‘A Spyrytuall and moost Precious Pearle, teachyng all Men to Loue and Imbrace ye Crosse … set forth by the Duke of Somerset,’ 1550, small 8vo; also 1555 (?), 1561 (?), 1593, in Welsh, 1595, 1812, 1838, 1870, 1871. (Translated from the German of Otto Wermueller, but no mention is made of him or Coverdale in the first edition, issued under the patronage of the Protector Somerset, who added a preface. Singleton's reprint (1561?) mentions the authorship.) 22. ‘A most Frutefull, Pithye, and Learned Treatise how a Christen Man oughte to Behaue Hymselfe in the Daunger of Death,’ &c., n. d., 16mo, printed abroad about 1555; also by Singleton, 1561, 1579 (the second of the four treatises of Otto Wermueller translated by Coverdale; contains the first publication of Lady Jane Grey's Exhortation, written the night before her execution). 23. ‘A Godly Treatise, wherein is proued the true Iustification of a Christian Man, to come freely of the Mercie of God, &c., with a Dialogue of the Faithfull and Unfaithfull, translated out of High Almaine by M. Coverdale,’ n. d., 16mo, printed abroad about 1555; also by Singleton, 1579 (the third treatise translated from O. Wermueller). 24. ‘The Hope of the Faythfull, declaryng brefely and clearely the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ past, and of our true Essential Bodies to come,’ &c., n. d., about 1555, 16mo, printed abroad; also by Singleton, 1579 (the fourth treatise translated from O. Wermueller, see Strype, Eccles. Mem. iii. pt. i. 240). 25. ‘An Exhortation to the Carienge of Chryste's Crosse, with a true and brefe confutation of false and Papisticall doctryne,’ n. d., 16mo (anonymous, see Strype, ib. iii. pt. i. 239–40; printed about 1555, and part of a volume containing No. 24). 26. ‘A Faythful and most Godly Treatyse concernynge the most sacred Sacrament of the Blessed Body and Bloud of our Sauiour Christ, compiled by John Calvine … and translated into Lattin by Lacius … and now last of al translated into Englishe by a faythful brother. … Therunto is added the order that the Church