Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 24.djvu/253

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tations, Fractures, and Strictures of the Urethra,' 8vo, London, 1830, a book valuable in its day, and based on very wide experience. While at Plymouth he formed a useful collection of preparations particularly rich in specimens of injuries and diseases of the bones, which he presented to the Royal College of Surgeons. He contributed to Dr. Beddoes's 'West Country Contributions' papers on 'The Practice of Dr. Leach in Low Fever' and 'On the Treatment of Syphilis by Nitrous Acid' in 1799; also papers 'On the Nitrous Acid Controversy,' published in Dr. Beddoes's works, and 'On the Treatment of Compound Dislocations of the Ancle Joint,' printed in Sir Astley Cooper's work.

Hammick died at Plymouth on 15 June 1867 (Gent. Mag. 4th ser. iv. 243-4). On 7 Feb. 1800 he married Frances, only daughter of Peter Turquand, merchant, of London, and by her, who died on 24 Dec. 1829, he had issue two sons and a daughter. He was succeeded in the baronetcy by his second son, the Rev. St. Vincent Love Hammick (1806-1888). His eldest son, Stephen Love Hammick, M.D. (1804-1839), one of the Radcliffe travelling fellows of the university of Oxford, died just as he was about to commence practice as a physician in London. He attended E. Mitscherlich's lectures in Berlin during 1834 and 1835, and published a translation of the first portion of the latter's compendium, entitled 'Practical and Experimental Chemistry adapted to Arts and Manufactures,' 12mo, London, 1838.

[Lancet, 22 June 1867; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886, ii. 596; Burke's Peerage, 1890.]

G. G.

HAMMOND. [See also Hamond.]

HAMMOND, ANTHONY (1668–1738), poet and pamphleteer, born 1 Sept. 1668, was the son and heir of Anthony Hammond (1641–1680) of Somersham Place, Huntingdonshire, who was the third son of Anthony Hammond (1608–1661) of St. Alban's Court, Kent, elder brother of William Hammond [q. v.] His mother was a Miss Amy Browne (d. 1693) of Gloucestershire. In October 1695 he was chosen M.P. for Huntingdonshire. A dispute about the election between him and Lord William Pawlet caused a duel (27 Jan. 1697–1698), when Hammond was wounded in the thigh (Luttrell, Relation of State Affairs, 1857, iv. 337). In parliament he spoke principally on financial questions, of which he had good knowledge. Bolingbroke called him ‘silver-tongued Hammond,’ but though a graceful speaker his want of tact led Chesterfield to say that he had ‘all the senses but common sense’ (Chesterfield, Miscellaneous Works, 1777, i. 47). In July 1698 he was returned for the university of Cambridge. On which occasion he was made M.A. as a member of St. John's College (Graduati Cantabr. 1823, p. 212). Shortly afterwards he published anonymously ‘Considerations upon the choice of a Speaker of the House of Commons in the approaching Session,’ in which he tacitly recommended Harley for the office against Sir Edward Seymour and Sir Thomas Littleton. Littleton was elected 6 Dec. 1698. This tract has been often reprinted. Hammond again represented the university in January 1700–1, but at the election in November 1701, though the Earl of Jersey, lord chamberlain, wrote to the university in his favour, he was defeated by Isaac Newton (Cooper, Annals of Cambridge, iv. 47). He found consolation in penning some ‘Considerations upon Corrupt Elections of Members to serve in Parliament,’ 1701. On 17 June of this year he had been appointed a commissioner for stating the public accounts (Luttrell, v. 61). Under Godolphin's administration he was made a commissioner of the navy in May 1702 (ib. v. 180), and again entered parliament as member for Huntingdon in the following July. In May 1708 he sat for New Shoreham, Sussex, but on the ensuing 7 Dec. the house decided by a majority of eighteen that as commissioner of the navy and employed in the out ports he was incapable of being elected or voting as a member of the house, and a new writ was ordered the next day (Beatson, Chronological Register, i. 201; Luttrell, vi. 381). In 1711 he left England to take up his appointment as deputy-paymaster or treasurer of the British forces in Spain. The Duke of Argyll, commander-in-chief, complained of him for irregularity. Paymaster Hon. James Brydges, however, upheld Hammond in a report to Lord-treasurer Dartmouth, dated 11 Nov. 1712, justifying the payments made by him to Portuguese troops (Cal. State Papers, Treas. 1702–7, 1708–14). At length his affairs becoming hopelessly involved, he judged it best to retire to the Fleet (cf. Lond. Gaz. 3–6 Dec. 1737, p. 2, col. 2), and was thus enabled to save the remains of his estate for his eldest son. He occupied himself with literary pursuits. In 1720 he edited ‘A New Miscellany of Original Poems, Translations, and Imitations, by the Most Eminent Hands, viz. Mr. Prior, Mr. Pope, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Harcourt, Lady M[ary] W[ortley] M[ontagu], Mrs. Manley, &c., now first published from their respective manuscripts. With some Familiar Letters, by the late Earl of Rochester, never before printed’ (preface signed ‘A. H.’), 8vo, London, 1720. He claimed