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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
612. II *c Serpent appears; he cuts off its head and finds ring with instructions to place it on wife's lips. He does so and she revives.
III *b Husband disguised as mendicant seeks wife. She recognizes him and has servant conceal purse on him. He is hanged for theft.
[an] 1. TLS p. 29 no 4: I a (He promises to keep death watch for nine nights in tomb), II *c, III (She escapes with lover while husband is asleep) *b, IV a (Friend with ring) b. Cf Mt 560.
613. Libro de los gatos, no XXVIII. See Christiansen, The two travelers in FFC no 24 p. 18. See BP II 473.
Mexico: Mason JAF XXVII 189 no 19. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 281 no 8; 181 no 19; XXXIX 295 no 21; 334 no 20; 354 no 45.
621. I b*² King has a tamborine made from louseskin.
*III Princess decides to marry prince although hero has performed all tasks with his helpers. On bridal night beetle crawls into prince's intestines and causes him to dirty bed. Next night prince inserts cork but mouse tickles his nose with its tail, prince sneezes and cork flies out. Princess renounces him and marries hero.
*IV Old man overhears king and wins princess. To rid herself of him she throws him into river, but in so doing he bites her in neck and she is deprived of speech. (Cont in 705 *A).
Cf Mt *959 (Introd); Mt 513 II, III and Mt *572.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXV 19 no 63.
an 1. ECPE no 9: Mt 621 I a b*² c + Mt 513 A II a b d c e g (Beetle and mouse) + Mt 621 I d (With help of listener) + Mt 513 A III b *k *l f + Mt 621 *III. as 1. LRAC no 134: Mt 621 I a b*² c + Mt 513 A II a c d b e + Mt 621 I d (With help of listener) + Mt 513 A III *m f j. 2. LRAC no 135: