Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/166

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John Willis, collated nth April 1485.

Ilr.NHV ai* John, j>i< <; ,dr, took this stall in [493,

until he obtained another prebend, when he resigned

this to Edward Hanson, S.T.P., collated 22nd Aug. 1501. Richaed Chanci 1 1 k. LL.D., collated 17th April 1504,

vice Hanson resigned. \\ ' 1 1.1.1 a m \\'iiiii) aim), installed 10th May 1^14; his

will ia dated in 1542. John LoMoi ami, A.B.. collated -,th Oct., and installed

5th Nov. 1542, vice W Lward deoeased. <>n queen

Bdarys aooession he was deprived. 1554, for marriage,

and sin- conferred it upon William Cook, who Lb said to be installed 1 |rd May

1 5 ,4. nee Longland. Be was deprived on Elizabeth

coining to the crown, and

John Longland was restored in 1559; he died [589, in possession of the prebend and the archdeaconry of Buckingham.

John Bill, S.T.B., collated 2nd Nov. [589, and in- stalled 8th March 158990, vice Longland deoeased.

John Rudyaed, collated [3th April [62a.

Paul Hood, S.T.P., rector of Lincoln college, Owon, obtained it in 1630; but he was forced to <juit it in 1643 on account of a decree in ohanoery which an- nexed it to the preoentorship.

John Whiston obtained the Kings title ist Nov.166] : but Dr. Featley, the precentor, insisting on his right. Whiston was obliged to relinquish it. Since Dr.

1 -at ley's time, the precentors have enjoyed it without interruption.


Richabd de l>i 1 10 alias in 1 a Battatlk, treasurer

in 1276, was snoot eded in this prebend by John de Widdington, [283, and he by Rogeb de Maetival, afterwards bishop of Salisbury.

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