Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/22

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��place without the Pope's approval tlnv wviv accounted void. The King, however, restored the temporalities to him 23rd June 10 ; and 3rd duly the archbishop of Canterbury committed t<> him the spiritualities of the see, not by irirtue of his election, but of the Pope's provision 11 . The date of his consecration is

not r trded ' . He died 9th Sept. 1361, al Copford

in Essex 13 , and was buried at the entrance of the cathedral of St. Paul's without the west door, as he had directed in his will bearing date 31st May [361. I he license to eleot a new bishop in the room <>f Mi- ohael de Northburg bears date -i-t Sept. [361 14 . 1362 Simon of Sudbubi . LL.D., chancellor of Salisbury t .i-'i in. domestic chaplain to pop I ocent the Sixth, and auditor causes in tht Rota at Rome t was appointed to this 8c' l.\ papal hull dated 22nd Oct. 1361, by virtue of which the archbishop of Canterbury delivered up the spiritualities to him 30th Nov. following 1 *. He was consecrated 20th March 13612, and the temporali- ties were restored 15th May following 1 ?. He w translated to Canterbury by papal bull of 4th May

1375 1375 William Coi btenai '. bishop of Hereford, \\;i- trans- 49 Ed. in. | a ted thence to this see [2th Sept. [375 The writ by which hi> temporalities were restored to him

i- dated 2ml Dec. 1375 s1 , and In- nn-ivcd his .-piiitu-

alities on the following day . The great seal of Eng- land was delivered to him as chancellor icth Aug.

��>0 Pat. a8Edw.HI. p. a.m. 33.

11 Newc. Rep. 1. i s . - Ibid.

' Reg. [slip.

14 Pat. 35 Edw. III. p.3. m. 39.

I* His family name was Ty- bokl, Tihald, or Thehaud ; hut he is usually known by the name of Sudbury, the place of hi- nati- vity. K _. It was also spelt ThepoIH. "Orate pro do-

��mino Simone Thepold, alias Sud- bury, <|ui istam capeuam fanda- vit A. I). 1365." Weever, p>743<

" Reg. blip.

'" Pat. 36 Edw. III. p. 1. in. 9. - R g.Sudb. fol. 1. 1 '-' I le v. is the fourth bod of

1 ( 'ourtenay earl of Devon. - ' Reg. Sudbury. -' Pat. 49 Edw. III. p. 2. in. 7 -- Rj . Sudbury.

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