Page:Foods and their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations (IA foodstheiradulte02wile).pdf/664

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Meat, chemical detection, 24
  composition of fresh and canned, 46
  detection of different kinds, 24
  disposition of fragments, 23
  dried, 25
  extract, active principles, 86
    adulteration, 86
    kinds of preparations, 88, 89
    nitrogenous bases, 88
    relation of price and nutritive value, 87
  food classification, 12
  industry, magnitude, 61
  juice, composition of ash, 86
  microscopic appearance, 24
  odor and taste, 24
  preparation for canning, 40-41

Meats, 11
  adulterations of comminuted, 54
    deviled, 54
    miscellaneous, 54
    mixed, 54
    potted, 54
  effects of cold storage, 35
  methods of preservation, 34, 35
  pickled, 26
  potted, 51
  summary of data, 92, 93

Melons, 284
  composition, 285, 286

Menhaden, 132

Milk, 169
  average composition, 169
    content of fat, 174
  certified, 171
  character of environment, 170
  comparative composition, 175
  curd test, 176
  pasteurized, 173
  preparation, 171

Mince meat, 494
  adulteration, 495
  pressed, 495

Mixed flour, 244

Mock turtle soup, 79

Modified milk, composition, 497

Molasses, 477
  cane, 478
  first, second, and third, 478
  refinery, 479
  sugar-house, 479

Mulberry, 343

Mullet, 132

Muscarine, 447

Mushroom, cepe, 445
  common, 440
  fairy ring, 443
  fly amanita, 446
  horse, 441
  poisoning, 448
    treatment, 448
  shaggy, 442, 443

Mushrooms, adulteration, 449
  canned, 449
  composition, 432
  condition of growth, 431
  cultivation in France, 431
  edible types, 440
  food value, 454
  historical, 429
  mycelium, 430
  pieces and stems, 449
  poisonous and edible, 433, 434
  removal of poison, 448
  signs of edible and poisonous, 435-439
  soil, 430
  spawn, 430
  spores, 430
  varieties, 440

Muskallunge, 133

Muskmelon, 284

Mussel, 158

Mustard, 325

Mutton, commercial cuts, 19


Napoleon, decree relating to beet sugar, 457

Neat's foot oil, 94

Neutral lard, 68

Nitrogenous bases, 88

Noodles, 270

Normal dose, 39, 40

Nutmeg, 325

Nuts as a diet, 428


Oats, 232
  acreage and yield, 233
  composition, 234
  products, 234
  protein, 234
  ratio of kernel to hull, 233
  starch, 236

Oatmeal, adulteration, 235

Oil, cod liver, 166
  salmon, 166
  sardine, 166

Oils and fats, chemical characteristics, 389, 390
    crystalline characteristics, 391
    melting point, 392
    physical characteristics, 392
    refractive index, 392
    Reichert-Meissl number, 393
    saponification value, 393
    specific gravity, 393
    vegetable, 389
  animal, 165
  distribution, 391
  drying, 391
  terrestrial animal, 93

Okra, 286

Oleomargarine, 187
  adulteration, 189
  composition, 190