Page:Gramachree Molly.pdf/3

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Yet who could think ſuch tender words,
were meant but to deceive.
That love was all I aſk'd on earth,
nay heav'n could give no more,
Ah Gramachree ma Colleen ogue,
Ma Molly Aſtore.'

Oh! had I all the flocks that graze,
on yonder yellow hill,
Or low'd for me the num'rous herds,
that yon green paſture fill,
With her I love, I'd gladly ſhare,
my kine and fleecy ſtore,
Ah Gramachree ma Colleen ogue,
Ma Molly Aftore.'

Two turtle doves above my head,
ſat courting on a bough;
I envy'd not their happineſs,
to ſee them bill and coo:
Such fondneſs once for me the ſhow'd,
but now alas it's o'er,
Ah Gramachree ma Colleen ogue,
Ma Molly Aftore.'

Then fare you well my Molly dear,
thy loſs I e'er ſhall mourn:
Whilft life remains in Strephon's heart,
'twill beat for thee alone,
Tho' thou art falſe, may heav'n on thee,
it's choiceſt bleflings pour:
Ah Gramachree ma Colleen ogue,
Ma Molly Aftore.'