Page:Gramachree Molly.pdf/4

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YE gentle winds that ſoftly blow,
along the verdant plain,
Go whiſper in my Strephon's ear,
his love's return'd again;
In ſweeteſt language tell the youth,
his anguiſh to give o'er;
Ah Gramachree! and we ſhall be
as happy as before.

The daiſy py'd and all the ſweets,
of Nature's flow'ry bed,
Shall join to make a garland meet,
for my dear Strephon's head;
The primroſe pale and vi'lers blue,
I'll add unto the ſtore,
Ah Gramachree! and we ſhall be
as happy as before.

Full many a ſcene of mourning,
thy Molly late has known;
Becauſe my heart its fondneſs kept,
for thee my love alone;
My parents hid me from thy fight,
and ſpurn'd thee from their door;
Ah Gramachree! and now we'll be
as happy as before.

I laid me down upon my bed,

bewailing my fad fate;