Page:Heavenly rest for a weary soul; or, the pilgrim at his journey's end.pdf/2

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I. The Father's admonition to his Children before his Death, wherein he informs them, Firſt, of their duty to God: Secondly, To their Mother: And, Thirdly, of what they owe to each other.

MY Children I muſt now leave you, I am going to a better place: my glaſs is almoſt run, I have fought a good fight, and have finiſhed my courſe, and henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory. In my youth I was wild and ungodly, as moſt were; I ſpent my time idly, and never regarded what I did, ſo I could but pleaſe and ſatisfy my appetite.———I have, ſince my converſion (thanks be to God) taken heed to my ways, and lived as uprightly as I could: for, if I did any wrong, it was againſt my will; I have lived according to the rules of the holy ſcriptures, as much as in me lay: I loved the worſt of my enemies (but hated their wicked ways) who caſt falſe aſperſions upon me, but I owe no man ill, heartily forgiving all who have been my enemies, as I hope to be forgiven thro' Chriſt Jeſus my dear Lord. My dear children, let me intreat you to be admoniſhed by my words, and take my, exhortation as a legacy; I having, you well know, very little to leave you.

Firſt, Let me put you in mind of your duty to God.

Secondly, To your mother: And,

Thirdly, To one another.———But,
