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Reſt for a Weary Soul.

Firſt, Of your duty to God.

'Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you,' James vi. 8.-This very exhortation, given by James an apoſtle of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt, is enough to induce you, without any other, to draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you; if you fear God he will defend you, if you are willing to return from your evil ways, he will receive you: He deſires not the death of a ſinner, ſo that if you are not ſaved, it is your own fault.--And, indeed, the text comprehends a great deal of comfort, it brings ſalvation to a wretched ſinner, it ſpeaks to all men: ſo much by way of exhortation.

Let me now haſten to the firſt particular, which was to lay before you, your duty to God; Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man, Eccleſ vii. 13. There you ſee your duty; fear to offend is your duty, though comprehended ſo ſhort. Be careful to ſerve him, fearful to offend him, diligent to keep his laws, and willing to obey his commands; abide all his corrections with patience, murmur at none of his ways, live honeſtly, love all men; lye not, ſwear not, cheat not, nor take the Lord's name in vain: covet not that which is another man's; love the Lord with your whole heart; fear him, and praiſe his name; mortify your luſts and unruly paſſions; reſiſt the devil, and he will fly from you: Suffer any thing for your religion; yea, death itſelf, and in all things ſubmit to the will of God. I ſhall conclude this head with theſe precepts, &c.

I. Fear to do any thing againſt that God whom you love, and you will not love to do any thiug againſt that God whom you fear.

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2. Let