Page:Heavenly rest for a weary soul; or, the pilgrim at his journey's end.pdf/4

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Reſt for a Weary Soul.

2. Let your prayers be as frequent as your wants, and your thankſgiving as your bleſſings.

3. In the morning, think what you have to do, for which aſk God's bleſſing; and, at night, think of what you have done that is ſinful, for which aſk him forgiveneſs.

4. Take an exact account of your life, be not afraid to look upon the ſcore, but to encreaſe it: To deſpair, becauſe a man is ſinful, is to be worſe, becauſe he hath been bad.

5. Conſider the ſhortneſs of your life, and certainty of judgment; the reward for the good, and the puniſhment for the wicked: and ſo you will have but one day to repent of before you die.

6. Do injury to no one; for by injuring others, you teach them to injure you.

7. Innocence will be the beſt guard.--He that dares be wicked, ſometimes for his advantage, will always be ſo, if his intereſt requires it.

And ſo much for the firſt head: I come now in the ſecond place, to tell you of the duty you owe to your mother.

'Honour your father and mother,' &c is the fifth commandment: 'A wiſe ſon heareth his father's inſtruction,' Prov. xiii. I. And again, Prov vi. 29. 'My ſon, keep thy father's commandments, and forſake not the law of thy mother.' Here you may ſee that duty to your parents, is a command of God. Solomon, the wiſeſt man that ever was, gives you this character of a wiſe ſon, (that is a dutiful ſon,) he hearkens to his father's inſtructions, and willingly obeys them.

Conſider then my ſon, on what I have ſaid, honour your mother when I am in my grave; I give you this charge in the fight of God, and Chriſt Jeſus our Lord.
