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Reſt for a Weary Soul.

of ſouls ; thou bringeſt man nigh unto death, and reſtoreſt him unto life again, thereby ſhewing his weakness and thy power: therefore all love and praiſe be to thee, O Lord.

O God, I extol thy name; and tho' I am a ſinful creature, I will not ceaſe to give thee thanks to the utmoſt of my ſtrength: I will declare thy juſtice and mercy, and whilſt I live, I will declare thy name.

As for man he is but duſt, and vaniſhes: his life is but a ſpan, and full of miſery.

O heavenly Father, let me not forget mine own frailty: Let me conſider what I am, and remember what I ſhall be: then ſhall I forget to leave myſelf, and long after thee.

My ſins, O Lord, are before thy face; I can turn no way but they purſue me: I intreat thee to pardon them———Conſider my neceſſity, moſt mighty God, and deliver me for thy Son's ſake.

Although my offences are more in number than the hairs of my head, yet Lord, ſhew mercy, and forgive them.---I know, though my ſins were as ſcarlet, yet thou canſt make them white as ſnow: therefore, O Lord, to thee be glory for ever more.

Truly, Lord, I ſee no cauſe why I ſhould long to abide in this life. if I was arrived to ſuch perfection as the apoſtle Paul was, I ſhould deſire earneſtly as he did, to be with Chriſt.

O God, I beſeech thee; to give me ſuch things as are for thy glory, and the good of them who love thee and walk uprightly

O my God, I pray thee, mortify the corruptions of my heart, cleanſe thou me from ſecret faults, and ſend thy good Spirit to write thy law upon my heart.

Thy ways, O Lord, are the ways of righteouſneſs, and all thy commandments are truth and holineſs: