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Reſt for a Weary Soul.

as for thy will, it is altogether upright; true and holy art thou, O Lord of hoſts.

O God of all truth, my panting ſoul longs after thee; thou art the fountain of all bleſſedneſs: I am thine, ſave thou me from treſpaſſing againſt thee.

Oh! my ſins are many, but do not ſurpaſs the power and glory of thy grace; and as for my iniquities thou ſhalt purge them away: I thank thee, therefore, O thou Lord of heaven and earth, for thy forgiving love and mercy in the face of Jeſus Chriſt, my only Lord and Saviour.

O my God, ariſe and deliver me from this vale of wickedneſs, where my temptations have been many: Create in me, O God, a clean heart; Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon me, that the inmoſt receſs of my ſoul may be enlightened, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law and goſpel, and be made of quick underſtanding in the fear of the Lord: then ſhall I give thee praiſe for ever and ever, through Jeſus Chriſt my Lord.

I recommend ſoul into thy hands, for thou haſt redeemed me, O God of truth and righteouſneſs: Be thou my defence againſt the fears of death; that notwithſtanding the ſuggeſtions of the tempter, I may eſcape all his fatal ſnares, that he may not have power to do me any evil. Give thy angels charge over me to defend me, and carry me ſafe through the regions of the air, to Immanuel's Land, and to thy right hand in heaven above, where there are pleaſures for evermore; where we ſhall be made kings and prieſts unto God, and go no more out; where we ſhall throw down our crowns before thee, in token of our gratitude, crying, Worthy is the Lamb that was ſlain, (although we are unworthy) to receive all honour, power, glory,