Page:Heavenly rest for a weary soul; or, the pilgrim at his journey's end.pdf/8

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Reſt for a Weary Soul.

might, majeſty, dominion, bleſſing, and thankſgiving in the higheſt, for ever and ever, Amen.

IV. His laſt GIFT to his CHILDREN.

MY Children dear, a legacy
With you I now do leave:
Pray read it o'er, and you will ſoon
My purpoſes perceive:
Firſt to your God your duty ſhow,
And live up to his laws:
Then comfort you'll hereafter take,
And vindicate his cauſe.

Next give all honour that is due
Unto your mother dear;
Such will be happy, you will find
While they do tarry here:
Love to your brethren God commands,
That you will always ſhew:
You then ſhall ever live in peace,
In joy and honour too.

Pray love your neighbours as yourſelf,
Behave to the moſt juſt:
In all your thoughts, your words and works,
Then you in God may truſt:
Then he'll preſerve you in your ſteps
That you ſhall never fall:
He will be always your ſure friend,
Your God, your guide and all.