Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/510

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COI.UMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES A bout 1738 he n u rried M ary Griffith, and their union w as blessed by the birth o f seven children, as follow s; Hannah n urried Em er­ son (o r E rasm u s) K e lly; John n u rried Rachel M o rg an; Abraham m arried Elizabeth W il­ liam s; Benjam in n urried Catherine Eaton (he died in Seplenibcr. 1 7 7 5 ); Jonathan m arried Elizabeth L e w is; Isaac m arried Sarah M at­ th ew s; Am os m arried M artha Thomas. T he name ’an Uc W ocstync has changed grad u ally, first to Voshnc, then to Vashtinc and lastly to Vastine. It has also been written

’an Stync. The name in Dutch meant forest,

hence the early settlers often called John

’an D c W'ocstync "W ilderness.”

Jonathan Vastine. fourth son o f Benjamin and M ary (G riffith) Vbstinc, with his nephew Peter, who w as also his son-in-law, came to Northumberland county, Pa., where they pur­ chased two large farm s, the form er about six hundred acres (which Liter Valentine Eplcr ow ned) and the latter three hundred acres near that o f his uncle. T he original deeds fu r Jonathan V astinc's land are in the posses­ sion o f M rs. Elisha Campbell, at South Dan­ ville. Jonathan, like his father, w as a mcm1 )cr of the Society o f I'riends. H e w as a fann er, and built a house on his farm . H e died about 1830-33. and is buried in the old Q uaker burying ground at Catawissa, Pa. About 1770 he married Elizabeth Lew is, daughter o f John and Anna Lew is, and to them were bom five sons and three daugh­ te rs: ( 1 ) Benjamin m arried Elizabeth Van Zant and their children were as follow s: I^w 'is V ., who married M artha Boone and had Hannah (M rs. Dudley A n d rew s). M argaret (M rs. lacob B. G earh art), Rachel Jan e, ElizaIx lh (.Mrs. John H . M orrall), M atilda (M rs. Abraham G u lick). Sarah. M artha, W illiam B.. L ew is B. and G eorge; M ary, who married Sam uel Boone; .Ann, who m arried Isaac Wolv c rto n : and Rachel, who married John M. House!. ( 2 ) Ann m arried 'I’homas Robbins. ( 3 ) Hannah m arried Peter Vastine, son of l ^ j a m i n Vastine. {4 ) M ary n u rricil W il­ liam M arsh. ( 5 ) Jolm married Catherine Osmun. (6 ) Jerem iah married E . Reeder, and their children w ere: M ary, who m arried C . F ish e r; M argaret, who ntirried I). Kohhins: I.ourissa. who m arried William Leighaw (or I.eigh ow ). and T h on u s, who m arried Eliza Reeder and had children Catherine and Elizal)Cih. ( 7 ) Thom as died unmarried. (8 ) Jo n a ­ than m arried Nancy .Ann Hughes. [ohn Vastine. second son o f Jonathan and Elizabeth (L e w is) Vastine. inherited a por­ tion o f his father's fann . and in 18 33 built


what to his descendants is known as the "stone house.” now owned by G . P. Savidge. H e n u rried Catherine Osmun, and to Uicm were Ixirn four sons and three daughters: ( i ) Elizabeth, the eldest, died at the age o f sc%‘cnteen years. ( 2 ) William is mentioned below. ( 3 ) Am os, born in 18 13, n urried Susan Lerch, and died N ov. 15, 18)^. H is principal busi­ ness w as farm ing, but at one time he w as en­ gaged in the mercantile business at Paxinos. H e owned some six hundred acres o f land, which he tilled, and also had large real estate interests in Mount Carmel. H e was one of the promoters of the Mount Carmel Savings Bank, o f which he was president from its organization until his death: w as also one of the organizers of the Shamokin Township F ire Insurance Company and was treasurer of the same at the time o f his death. I ’olitically he w as a Republican, and he filled the office o f county commissioner from 18 7 1 to 1874. M rs. Vastine w as the daughter o f F elix Lerch. one of the pioneer settlers o f Mount Carm el. M r. and M rs. Vastine were the parents of the follow ing: F e lix, who died you n g; John, who married K ate B ird : T honus, who m arried Lizzie H aas, and has children, Am os and I la ttic; Catherine, who married F-. S . Pcrsing (children. Anna, Sadie. .Amos and S u s a n ); and H attie, who had two children (A m os and William) by her first hus­ band, O liver Reed, and m arried for her second W illiam Metz. (4 ) M argaret m arried Charles Heftley and they were the parents o f three children. Elizabeth (n u rrie d Ila r v c y Robbins and had children M argaret. Charles and Jo sep h ). H arriet and George W. (m arried Kmma Persing and had children, H arriet and Ila r v e y ) . ( 5 ) Sarah Ann married Robert C. Campbell an^ was the mother o f A bram (died unm arried). Jo h n L . (unm arried, lives in Dan­ ville, P a .). Jam es C . (m arried M argaret M ct­ tlcr). and M argaret C ., Hannah J ., Isabella .A. and Sar,ah .Alice, all four o f whom died unnurried, (6) T h o n u s Prine, Ixirn in t8c8, n u rried lu n a h Vought. ,md they had chil­ d ren : John Wellington, who m arried Emma F ish e r; Catherine and Matilda, Ixilh unn u rric d; Rosanna, who married George W. M iller and was the mother o f Gussie M., Plorence V .. Daniel O . and Ruth A . ( 7 ) John began the study o f medicine at the age of eighteen, in Jefferson Medical College, Philadclphi.i, Pa., and graduated at the age o f twenty-one years, ilying shortly afterw ard, in his twenty-second year. W Vastine, son o f John and Catherine (O sm un) Vastine, m arried Ja n . 24, 1833.