Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/551

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494 Index. 1 Fabricius, researches in Crete, i. 43 9«. ; ii. 409^. Fawn, suckling, on gems, ii. 314. Fibula, towards the end of Mycenian age, ii. 29, 467. Finlay, collection of stone age objects, i. 119//. Fish, on gold vases, ii. 435. Flinders Petrie, i. i2o«. ; ii. 481//. Flint, cut, i. 123-127. Foucard, gets Mycenae daggers sketched, ii. 223//., as well as Vaphio vases, ii. 229/1. Fouqu^, researches at Thera, i. 139//. ; ». 354. Frieze, restored in palace, ii. 137 ; how Doric, is derived therefrom, ii. 148- 151. Furtwangler (A.), on the griffin, ii. 284//.; on Mycenian pottery, ii. 354; hypothesis on origin of Mycenian vases discussed, ii. 4 1 0-4 1 2 . Fusaioles (whorls), at Troy, i. 205. Fustel de Coulanges, i. 108//. ; ii. 7. G. Galleries, in the thickness of ram- parts, i. 268-271, 302-306. Gardner (E.), on the Palladia, ii. 198;/. Gardner (P.), on the Homeric palace, ii. 142/r. Gate, Lions, i. 311 ; ii. 244-252. Gates, city, at Troy, i. 182 ; Tiryns, i. 275 ; Mycenae, i. 307-308 ; palace, i. 277-281 ; Tiryns, i. 271-275 ; tra- l)ezoidal in shape, i. 482, 483 ; monu- mental, analogy with Phoenician gateway, i. 486; tombs, ii. 18. Gell, precise observation.s, ii. 57//. Generation, spontaneous, on Mycenian vase, ii. 390-398. Genii, water-, ii. 311. (}ilding, on horns of victim, ii. 271. Gillidron, drawings of Vaphio vases, ii. 229;;. Girard (J.), description of temple at Ocha, ii. 95//. Girdle, ii. 458. Gla, island of, i. 419//. (Hass, in decoration of buildings, i. 534> 535 '} when it makes its appear- ance, ii. 29 ; different uses of, ii. 413-416, Goat, wild, ii. 277 ; on gems, ii, 303 ; on vases, ii. 369. Gold, at Thera, i. 153 ; Troy, i. 203 ; rare in the islands, abundant at Mycenae, ii. 424. Gortyna, i. 433, 434. Greek type, in Mycenian sculpture, ii. 330-332. . Greeks, orgin of the name, i. 91. Griffin, Mycenian, peculiar character- istics, ii. 321; on daggers, ii. 223; on gems, ii. 299, 303; on wooden lid, ii. 280 ; on vase, ii. 374. Guttae, origin of, ii. 148, 149. H. Hair, worn long by men, ii. 456. Hair-pins, ii. 430. Halbherr, excavations in Crete, i. 436. Hambdi-Bey, ii. 390. Hammer, stone, i. 129. Hanai Tepeh, necropolis of, ii. 2. Haussoullier, information relating to Cretan antiquities, i. 439^/. Heart, ornament in the shape of, i. 520, 521. Hearth, in the middle of the room, i. 282, 342 ; painted, i. 342. Helbig, opinion of, on cup with two doves, ii. 436;;. Hellanicus, Pausanias* authority, i. 372. Hellenes, origin and gradual extension of the name, i. 91-93. Helmet on bronze statuettes, ii. 198 ; on ivories, ii. 219, 256, 257 ; on gems, ii. 311; on vases, ii. 401, 403. Hematite, ii. 306. Heracles, i. 45. Heraclidse, i. 98. Herseum, domed-tomb, i. 383. Hesiod, in regard to his so-called grave, i. 422;/. Heuzey, i. 47 1/^ ; ii. 323//. Hinge, bronze, i. 489. Hippocampus, on gold-leaf, ii. 286 ; on gem, ii. 303. Hissarlik, description of mound, i. 157. Hittites, alphabet of, i. 72. Hog, vase in the shape of, ii. 266. Horse, on stelse, ii. 213 ; on inlaid daggers, ii. 223; on gems, ii, 295, 299. House, at Thera, i. 145-149; Mycenie, i- 336-338, 340-344 ; ridged roof, ii. 120-122; flat, ii. 122: two-storied house, ii. 125.