Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/552

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Index. 495 Houssay, relating to a couple of My- cenian vases, ii. 390-398. I. Ialysos, i. 444. lavanim, i. 59. Idols, ii. 175-206; at Troy, ii. 178, 186; Tiryns, ii. 179, 191 ; marble, nude, in the isles, ii. 176, 177, 178, 179- 182, 184; clay, draped, in Argolis, ii. 186-189; bronze, ii. 195-199, 201 ; why placed in the graves, ii. 201-203. ///W, value of information derived from, i. 215-221. Incineration unknown to the Mycenian ixjriod, i. 321-327; ii. 4-6. Incised decoration, ii. 355, 362. Incrustation of gold-leaf on bronze, ii. 222-225. Inhumation at Mycenge, i. 320-327 ; ii. (5, 7 ; rites relating thereto, ii. 7-1 1 ; doubtful in Cyprus, i. 447, 448 ; ii. 90. lolcos, i. 88. lonians, first historical mention of, i. 58; their high antiquity, i. 59; dialect, i. 71 ; Asiatic colonies, i. 64, 67. Iris, flower, painted, i. 517; dama- scened, ii. 226; on pottery, ii. 385. Iron, at Troy, i. 203 ; Mycenae, ii. 29. Ivory, in decoration of inner buildings, i. 512; furniture, ii. 524. Ivy, on vase, ii. 385. J- Jade, i. 127. Jasper, ii. 305. Jebb, views of, relating to Troy, i. 241;/. ; Homeric ixilace, ii. 143//. Jo u bin, researches in Crete, i. 442;/. ; ii. 409//. K. Kalok^.rino.s, excavations at Cnosus, i. 439- Kambanis, i. 420. Kadro'ircpoc, ii. 451. Kastorchis, excavations of, at Palamidi, i. 384//. ; Sixita, i. 397//. Kaunakes, wrongly compared with Mycenian costume, ii. 262. Key, at Troy, ii. 455. Klepsydra, i. 412, Knives, stone, i. 121. Kohler, views on Mycenian antiquities, i. 450/1. Kondakis, excavations of, at Palamidi, i. 384;/. Koumanoudis (E. A.), excavations of, at Spata, i. 396;/. ; cleans objects in the Schliemann collection, ii. 2 1 6. L. Lance, on i>ainted vase, ii. 405. Larissa (Argolis), i. 388. I^va balls and vases, at Thera, i. 150, 151- Lead, at Troy and Mycenae, i. 203 : in construction, i. 460. I^bfegue, ii. 95«. Leggings, ii. 405, 456. Leka, i. 57, 60. I^leges, i. 62, 63. Lepas anatifera^ ii. 394. Lepsius (G. R.), Gritchische Afarmor- studieny i. 51//., 45 7«. Lighting, mode of, megarons, i. 282. Ligourio, pyramid of, i. 389. Limestone, in Argolis and the Troad, i. 450. Lion, on sculptured slab, ii. 86; on Mycenae stela, ii. 209 ; on daggers, ii. 225 ; in bas-relief over citadel gate, ii. 251, 252 ; on ivories, iL 275 ; on gems, ii. 293 ; known in Greece during the Mycenian period, ii. 222. Loeschke, researches on Mycenian ceramics, i. 525. Lolling, excavations of, at Palamidi, i. 384W. ; Menidi, i. 399 ; Thessaly, i. 430- Long Walls, of Piraeus, ii. 1 68. Lotus stalks, on dagger, ii. 225. Lucretius, relating to successive in- dustrial stages, i. 117. J^ycians, dealings of, with the Hellenes, i. 64. Lycosura, ruins of, ii. 115. M. Marble, influence on sculpture, i. 49- 51 ; coloured, in construction, in Argolis, i. 457 ; in the Cyclades, ii. 175-184. Marks, workmen's, at Cnosus, i. 442. Masa, i. 60.