Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/242

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212. BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. point will be dealt with hereafter. In the mean- time let us refer our readers to two stray passages of the two recensions (vz. one by Nityananda and the other by Kagiram Das) to shew how closely the two texts agree with each other. One extract will be sufficient for both, the slight difference being indicated in the footnote :— The Lamentation of Gandhari.

  • “ When Krisna’s consoling words she heard,

she was restored to consciousness. The chaste Gandhari, daughter of Vichitraviryya and Queen of Dhritarastra, said again to Krisna, ‘ Behold Krisha—my hundred powerful sons le dead on the field, struck by the iron mace of Bhima. O, look, my daughters-in-law, all princesses, are crying most bitterly—those whom the sun or the moon could not see,—whose body is tender as Cirisa flower, and whose beauty isa wonder, which the sun stops his chariot in the sky to observe—these ladies have come to the field of গান্ধারী বিলাপ ।

  • কঞ্চের প্রবোধ বাক্য মনেতে বুঝিয়া |

উঠিয়া বসিলা দেবী চেতন পাইয়। ॥ প্নঃ বলে কৃষ্ণকে গান্ধারী পতিব্রতা | বিচিত্রবীর্যোর বধূ বাজার বণিত| ॥ দেখ রুষ্চ একশত পত্র মৃহাবল। তীমের গদার ঘাতে মরিল সকল ॥ দেখ কৃষঃ বধূ সব উচ্চৈঃস্বরে কাদে । দেখিতে না পারে যারে কূর্যা আর চাদে ॥