Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/102

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��VOL. I

��o'gipaskam aniho'.ci'kor ho'van tuma"- southerner. Hereabouts there has gone*

aGdimok namitpunratok gama'dara-iwa conversing, that they knew they already sat

namitpubo.afo'k hoganavarano'v para that they to us have reached that which is their hand in order

natpuha'bantuD-a'gimoo gamtbnofdida kuga'- that we in it having wrapped ourselves may go be- holding. Then

guraho'mi.iu'rnida h6ga navaricto'nkam aside will go casting that which is heat

hoga navara.u"umi.h6'k6t 1 mipuga'guraho'.- that which are their arrows' with they aside will*

iir'rnida ganavaraka'kvarakho'kot 2 Miput- go casting that which are their chimales* with. They

so'sbidida gahactucko'k'dakam napubom.a"- for us shall go attacking whatever sickness that may=

gida porki a'tiamnoTio atictu'kipgamtono'io come being reported. Because we do not see, we in darkness go peering

porki ti'caricikorakam iti'krad6'k6D because we are vile our filthiness with

ti'cputso-'sbidim &0nt'hapd"gia.f ni'cpuanv- we go obstructing ourselves. With which this only l-

a'tut kupiminka'ok kupimi'tunha-'gicda cause you to know. Then hear ye me. Then ye me= will pardon

nanpui'nicituha-n hi'di navaramno'ik-ar.dam that I here meddle this which is your patio in.

kuni'pui'niciko-'sa gana'varanrai'niG gana 1 - Then I here will place this which is your petate that*

varicta' amba'tu.dam* pixo' napimpuma-'r'git which is white your tapexte* on where that ye= are formed

wos.0ras.aB Jfettnjh'nicputOmaianva'tuD

all hours in. With which I constantly give you to* know.

ku<fio'sp6cambi'ak - a Then God feel for you.

1 u'mi is the ceremonial arrow, as distinguished from , the hunting arrow.

  • Chimal is the native adaptation of the Nahua

chimalli, SHIELD. The chimal is the little diagonal or


This prayer is recited by the Cantador Mayor, the principal functionary of Tepecano religion, to beg permission of the divinities to clean and prepare the ceremonial patio for the celebration of the Rain Fiesta, the principal fiesta of the year, held on the fifth of April. This is done in the late afternoon. After reciting this, the Cantador, or Chief Singer, sweeps the dance patio, lights the fire and decorates the altar with the necessary cere- monial objects.


Oh ye who are my Lord and my Lady who were created beneath the seven beautiful heavens! Hither have we come to ask your forgiveness so that I may here prepare and may place here these powerful Cidudkam, as they are called hereabouts where they are formed and cherished. Also do I say unto you that ye must forgive me these few words. Continually do I implore you that ye give me leave to work here and to pass the night here that I may kindle fire on this your green carpet.

Thence the heaven becometh overcast and your cloud ariseth, beautifully outspread, which drizzleth and is very green. There is formed the Word of Him who is my Guide, my Morning Star and my Lord, who cometh teaching unto us his hand that we, gathering ourselves into it, may go beholding in all hours. There beneath the east is it formed whence he hath sent his lightning and spoken. From afar it hath arisen; he hath spoken to them of the north, the west and the south, telling to all parts. Thus did they know it; they have seated themselves and have reached unto us their hand that we, wrapping our- selves in it, may go observing.

They will repel the heat with their arrows; with their chimales will they cast it aside.

hexagon of yarn, the "God's eye" of the Huichol. To the Tepecanos it is God's face.

  • Nahua tlapexlle, the white cloth erected on the


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