Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/293

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NO. 4


��28 5

��42. house

43. moccasins

44. moon

45. mountain

46. river 47- sk y !

48. sky

49. sun 4

��56. black

��wo; 6. iva'-wi; j.awa; n. wam&k

5. N, C to, S a/ffl, SE /.ja, NE to ; 13. /A.WM house, to dwell

3 . Tonto nayo, nann ; 7 . (pa)-nna (snow)shoes ' ; 15. na-u

3. Cochimi kon-ga, gam- ma, ganeh-majen ; 1 1 . kan

3. Dieg. umaleti, H'taa'm molar; 13. Maratino 2 w/a- /OMMM to the mountain

6. rfY?- water lies, da-ba river ; 1 5 . ta-i river

i . etnaa ; 2 . amime ; 3 . Moh . amiiiaya, Dieg. am mat; 4. irnita; 6. 'a'p'sa; ir. a/>e/

3. S. Cat. akwarra ; 13. w.vHa/ heaven

3: Moh. awyd (K); 5. E la, S alaca moon, SW /ia- /acfl moon; 7. a//a, a/a sun ; ii. al sun; 13. anna month


��2. fo'-/>

rt/- ; 14.

��1. It Is barely possible that Chimariko panna is to be analyzed zsp'a- SNOW, -inia FOOTWEAR, p'a- would then be cognate with Yana p'a-tljj " snow ",/)'ii- " snow lies spread out " ; Tonto paka SNOW. This pii- would only accidentally resemble Chimariko /a, ipa MOCCASIN'. Snow in Chimariko is ordinarily hipiii, hipue ; cf. Chumash (S. Buen.) poi SNOW.

2. Maratino is an isolated, apparently Coahuiltecan, dialect of which Swanton publishes a brief vocabulary.

3. Cf. also Chumash (S. Yn., S. Bar.) al-apa SKY, (S. Buen.) hal-acpai ; possibly also Salinan l-i'iu SKY.

4. Cf. perhaps also Chumash (S. Yn.) a/ca SUN, (S. Bar.) aliai SUN. However (S. Buen.) icau SUN (cf. per- haps Esselen as!, act SUN ; Chimariko asi DAY ; Ats. as- styi DAY) suggests that these forms are to be understood as a-l-aca, a-l-ica (for prefixed ii-/-, /-,cf. Chumash a-l-apa SKY, a-I-jpa\a ABOVE : Salinan I-em SKY, 1-emo ABOVE :

��57. cold

��50. sun 2. tabj i. e. /ax ; 5. NE

-daka; 10. /rt.vaf, tagacsun, day

51. stone 3. Tonto zwz, Moh. aw,

Dieg. F. wi; n. woyekutl; 1 5 . uvn'

52. thunder 5. N makila, C makela,

SW makala, NE ti-mamka ; 1 1 . (pa~)-mak, (pa)-mok

53. thunder 5. E kall-matoto 6 ; 10.

H/tew to lighten (G) ; n. (pa)-metot ligh tn i ng

54. water " i. aba; 2. ax; 3. Moh.

a/;a (K); 4. asa-nax; 5. NE, SE ,vfl, C, NE ^a, S, SW aka; 6. ha-, S xa- ; 7. rt'A'a, a/ca; 8. as, isa; 9. Ach. ac (S), S aisa ; 10. ax water, xana to drink ; 1 1. ax; 12. ax; 15. ok, ka, kan

55. wood i. eke; 2. ehe; 3. Kiliwi

khaipak, i. e. xaipak; 5. N, C to', E, SE xai, S, SW

ii. xai, tree, wood

��3. Mar. h'tcburk, i. e. xtcuq, Moh. hatcu-urk, i. e. batcuuq, Kiliwi abhtchak, i.e. ' ax teak; 6. hats!it'-to be cold; 7. xatsa; 9. Ach. actda- (S); 10. hat sex

58. large i. kweka; 2. ka-kolch, i.e.

-fo/ ; 10 . fei/d/o great 515. great

��Chontal fwa, Seri ami-me, Mohave ammaya, Esselen imi- ta, Yana 'ap'-sa SKY). More likely to be related is (S. Cruz) t-anum SUN.

5. ko- is (color-) adjectival prefix.

6. foi/J denotes SKY.

7. Cf. also Salinan t-ca' " water " (M) (/- prefixed ar- ticle ; -ca < *.ra').

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