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(2) Induce certain political and military leaders to institute administrative and security actions to curb Tudeh activities (demonstrations, strikes, etc.).

(3) Maintain anti-Tudeh propaganda.

(4) Instigate physical attacks upon Tudeh facilities and demonstrations.

(5) Obtain the publication of anti-Tudeh material in the press, and in pamphlets, books, posters, etc.

(6) Influence the choice of a successor to Mosadeq in the event of his resignation or death.

(7) Maintain liaison with potential resistance groups in particular elements of certain strong tribal elements in southern Iran.

(It should be noted that: (a) CIA's detailed plan for covert operations in Iran during 1953 was approved by the PSB on January 8 1953 and (b) certain of the special political operations listed under Condition II, below could, if circumstances warranted, be implemented under Conditon I.)


2. Measures to be taken to prevent all or a part of Iran or adjacent areas from falling under communist domination in the event of an actual communist seizure of power in one or more of the provinces of Iran or in Theran:

a. Military: In the event or a Tudeh coup in Iran, the JCS have recognized three feasible U.S. military courses of action, namely:

(1) Furnish additional arms aid to approriate Middle East countries so as to eventually enable them to possess the strength to secure their frontiers against affective communist infiltration. The Joint Chiefs of Staff keep this matter under continuous review.

(2) Deploy appropriate Air Force units, on the order of 1–1/2 wings plus support units to southern Turkey with a mission of assisting Middle East governments in preventng the spread of communist power to their countries. The Chief of staff, U.S. Air Force, has been requested to recommend the composition or the Air Force organization to be deployed to southern Turkey under this contingency.

(3) Deploy U.S. ground Division, reinforced, and necessary and.

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By :WDP NARA Date:2/29/00