Page:Manual of the Lodge.pdf/213

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ter and Grand Wardens, and to act as their proxies in the active duties of the Grand Lodge. Let vigilance and attention actuate you in the discharge of the functions of your office.


Brother, you have been appointed Grand Marshal, and we now invest you with the jewel of your office, and present you with this baton, as the ensign of your authority.

It is your duty to proclaim the Grand officers at their installation; to arrange all processions of the Grand Lodge, and to preserve order according to the forms prescribed. Skill and precision are essentially necessary to the faithful discharge of these duties.


Brother, you have been appointed Grand Pursuivant, and we now invest you with the jewel of your office, and intrust this sword of state to your keeping.

Your station is near the door, whence you will receive all reports from the Grand Tiler, and announce the name and Masonic rank of all who desire admission. You will see that none enter without wearing their appropriate decorations. You will also carry the Grand Sword of State in all public processions, and perform such other duties as appertain to your office. Your early and punctual attendance at all communications of the Grand Lodge is essentially necessary.