Page:Manual of the Lodge.pdf/214

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Brethren, you have been appointed Grand Stewards, and we now invest you with the jewels of your office, and place in your hands these white rods as ensigns of your station.

It is your duty to superintend the tables at the hour of refreshment, and see that every brother is suitably provided. It is, therefore, indispensably necessary that you yourselves should be temperate and discreet in the indulgence of your own inclinations, carefully observing that none of the craft transgress the due bounds of moderation in the enjoyment of their pleasures.


Brother, you have been appointed Tiler of this Grand Lodge, and we now invest you with the jewel of your office, and place this sword in your hands, the more effectually to enable you to guard against the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers, and to suffer none to pass or repass but such as are duly qualified.

It is your duty to guard the door of the Grand Lodge on the outside; to report to the Grand Pursuivant those who desire to be admitted; to summon the members of the Grand Lodge, under the direction of the Grand Secretary, and to attend to such other duties as may be required of you by the Grand Lodge. Your punctual attendance is essentially necessary at every communication.