Page:New way of woo'd & marry'd & a'.pdf/3

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He'll rouse her but sma' that has marry'd her,
now when he's gotten her a',
And wish, I fear, he had miscarried her,
tocher and ribbons and a'.
For her care lay a' in her dressing:
but gin her braws ance were awa',
I'm redd she'll gang out of the fashion,
and knit up her moggans wi' straw. &c.

The first time I gaed for to see her,
'tis wow she was wondrous braw,
She cry'd to her guidman to gie her,
an ell o' red ribban or twa.
He up, and he set down be beside her
a wheel and a reelie to ca';
Is this the way I'm to be guided?
She out at the door and awa'.&c.

Her neist road was hame to her mither,
who spier'd at her how now gaes a',
Quo' she, Was it for nae ither,
that I was married awa',
But gae and sit down to a wheelie,
and at it baith night and day ca',
And syne hae it reel'd by a chielie,
who cries ilka minute to draw.&c.

Her mither says till her, Hegh lassie,
he's the wisest I fear o' the twa,
Ye'll hae little to pit in the bausey,
gin ye be sae backward to draw.
'Tis now you shou'd work like a tyger,
and at it baith wallop and ca',