Page:New way of woo'd & marry'd & a'.pdf/4

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Sae lang's ye hae youoith and vigour
and little anes and debt keep awa'. &c

Sae swithe awa' hame to your handing,
mair fool than when ye came awa';
Ye maunna be ilka day wedding,
nor gang sae clean finger'd and braw.
But mind wi a neibour yon' e yoked,
and' that ye your end o't maun draw,
Or else ye deserve to be docked;
sae that is an answer for a'&c.

Young lucky she fan hersell nither'd,
and wistna well what gate to dra',
But now wi' hersell she consider'd,
that hame was the best gate awa';
And e'en tak her chance o' the landing,
however tue matter shou'd fa',
Fouk needna on freets to be standing
that's woo'd and married and a',&c.

My Lodging is on the cold Ground.

MY lodging is on the cold ground,
and very hard is my fare,
But that which grieves me more; love,
is the coldness of my dear.

Chor- Yet still she cry'd turn, love,
I pray thee, love, turn to me,
For thou art the only girl, love,
that is ador’d by me.