Page:Night frae hame (1).pdf/3

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Little dreaming wha was (illegible text)wi him,
I stept in to taste his cheer,
But before that I could lea' him
I paid for my folly dear.

Roun' a board where jugs and glasses
In admired disorder stood,
Sat a batch o' downright asses,
In a most uproarious mood.

Sangs an' cracks were intermingled,
Laughter too set up her din;
Jugs an' cans on crystal jingled,
Doubtless thinking silence sin.

For a wee I leuk'd disgusted
On the graceless roaring crew,
Till the drink my brains adjusted
To the squad, for I gat fou'.

Soon appeared, disguised as Pleasure,
Riot, and we join'd her train;
Folly too our wits wad measure,
And soon claim'd them as her ain.

Prudence lang ere this had left us,
No one had a thought o' hame,
For the drink had fairly reft us
O' what sober folk ca' shame.