Page:Notes on democracy - 1926.djvu/9

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I. Democratic Man
1. His Appearance in the World 3
2. Varies of Homo Sapiens 9
3. The New Psychology 15
4. Politics Under Democracy 22
5. The Rôle of the Hormones 28
6. Envy as a Philosophy 35
7. Liberty and Democratic Man 43
8. The Effects Upon Progress 51
9. The Eternal Mob 64
II. The Democratic State
1. The Two Kinds of Democracy 71
2. The Popular Will 77
3. Disproportional Representation 88
4. The Politician Under Democracy 99
5. Utopia 106
6. The Occasional Exception 115
7. The Maker of Laws 122
8. The Rewards of Virtue 129
9. Footnote on Lame Ducks 138
III. Democracy and Liberty
1. The Will to Peace 147
2. The Democrat as Moralist 152
3. Where Puritanism Fails 166
4. Corruption Under Democracy 176
IV. Coda
1. The Future of Democracy 195
2. Last Words 206
A Note on the Type (not in original TOC)
