Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/133

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Don Juan had assured me that displacement and fixing of the lace point could be made voluntarily by the iron hand discipline of the shamans...

In addition, don Juan explained that the witchcraft art is to manipulate the lace point and make it change positions at will on the luminous spheres that human beings are. The result of this manipulation is the change in the contact point with the dark consciousness sea, which brings us as its concomitant, a bundle of billions of different energy fields in the form of luminous filaments that converge on the lace point. The result of these new energy fields converging on the lace point, is that a consciousness different to necessary to perceive the everyday world comes into action, transforming these new energy fields in sensory data, sensory data that is interpreted and perceived as a different world because the energy fields that engender it are different from those known...

The art of the warrior—traveler is having the ability to move with the most tenuous hint, the art of nod to all infinite command. To do this, the warrior-traveler needs dexterity, strength, and above all, sobriety. These three put together, result in elegance!...

—It's amazing but it can be lived —he said—. The universe has no limits, and the possibilities that occur in the universe are really immeasurable... C.C.


Don Juan taught Castaneda that the "The dark consciousness sea" is the perennial force that the Toltec discovered that maintains the universe. And that not only gives consciousness capability to organic beings, but also to entities without organism. That is, there are entities with consciousness but not organism and live in a world parallel to our own.

The Toltecs always managed the "divine duality" principle and at the religious level called it Ometeótl. Creative principle in which everything surrounding us is composed of a pair of complementing opposites. Hence the concept that professor Séjourné[1] called "Quincunxe" and which is present in designs, friezes and architecture.

Don Juan tells Castaneda that the Toltec discovered that the universe consists of twin forces that oppose and complement each other. So we are neighbors of a twin and complementing world, where entities exist with no bodies do have consciousness. These entities were called "inorganic beings" by the Toltecs.

For both, organic and inorganic, death is the result that their consciousness is absorbed by the "dark consciousness sea". Their individual conscience full of their experiences, which were saved throughout their life, suddenly breaks its parameters and consciousness as energy, it is absorbed by the "dark consciousness sea" to disappear in the immensity of everything and nothing.

According to Don Juan, the Toltec discovered that human beings are the only beings with consciousness, that death might be the consciousness unification, and not, as it is common, the consciousness dissolution in the "dark consciousness sea". Indeed, the human being is made up by a number of organisms and systems that make it be. The "Being" depends on wellbeing and harmony on each of them, but if he manages

  1. “Thought and religion in ancient Mexico” Laurette Séjourné. FCE Méx. 1957