Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/134

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to "detach" from them and unite only with the consciousness energy, it reaches the indivisible unity and "essence" of the being.

When a Toltec reaches that point, his body does not decompose, it turns to energy. unfragmented energy with consciousness. Otherwise, the consciousness limits are imposed by the organism. When conscious energy is unified limits disappear. When Toltecs unify their energy become inorganic beings!, that according to Don Juan will live until the planet dies, because Earth is their womb.

For the Toltec, in that immeasurable energy universe, existed a inorganic beings class with an infinitely more acute and fast consciousness than human beings. Somehow the way they was similar to human beings, hence they could establish links and even symbiotic relationships with humans. This class of inorganic beings were called explorers and the Toltec converted them in their allies.

"Energy is the irreducible residue of everything. As far as we are concerned, seeing energy directly is the most for a human being. Perhaps there are other things beyond that, but they are beyond our reach...

Don Juan explained that that day had achieved transforming the anthropomorphic form of inorganic beings at their essence: an impersonal energy conscious of itself...

The most sober that can be done, according to the shaman, is relegating these entities to an abstract level. The less interpretations the shaman does, the better.

—From now on —he continued—, when facing the strange vision of an appearance, stay firm and look at it from an inflexible stance. If it is an inorganic being, your interpretation will fall as dead leaves. If nothing happens, it's a bullshit aberration of your mind, which anyway is not your mind..." C.C.


Don Juan state that the "warrior-traveler" required to love knowledge, no matter how it is expressed. The Toltec knew that human beings were only travelers in the "dark consciousness" and that Earth was only a stop on this trip.

In the Toltecáyotl the tlamatinimes[1] transmitted knowledge based on poetry. Hence "Flower and song" concept symbolically referred to beauty (which is balance) and wisdom (expressed in poetry) as song. The concept of this trip and the existence temporality is embodied in the following "Cantares Mexicanos" verse:

"Perhaps we really live on earth?
Not forever on Earth,
only a little here.

Even if its jade, it breaks.
Even gold, it cleaves.
And the quetzal feathers break.


  1. TLAMATINIME. Nahuatl term which literally means "those who know something or those who know things". Anachronistically is equivalent to the "philosophers" concept.