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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 2 of telegram to Amembassy PARIS


sovereignty provided by Article I of Treaty of Independence. This statement, couched in form of a common declaration of purpose, would have to be simple and explicit so there would be no room for doubt as to validity of pledge or as to intentions of countries participating in it.

3. Following represents certain minimum measures which we believe French should take now, and which we feel will not (repeat not) place government in more difficult position than it is already:

a. France and Vietnam should sign draft treaties promptly.
b. At moment of signature, President of Republic, in his capacity as President of French Union, should make statement to effect that Union is composed of equal and sovereign states.
c. A declaration that French will withdraw their expeditionary force from Indochinese states at earliest practicable date after end of hostilities, consistent with France's obligations to Associated states, unless invited by respective governments of Associated States to maintain their forces. (Comment: We consider this to be at heart of any action French could take to convince world opinion they are in earnest. We feel such declaration should be made at actual time of signing or at least immediately after. Would appreciate your view as how and by whom this could be most effectively made.) This provision would not (repeat not) prejudice any base agreements which might be reached with Associated States. If United States or any other forces have been committed, we and any ·other countries would join in or make similar declaration.

4. Unless above are followed promptly by concrete actions which bear out professed intentions of good faith, hoped-for favorable reaction will not (repeat not)
