Page:Persian manual pocket companion 1877.djvu/15

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(c) "The Conversation Manual," by Captain G. Plunkett, E.E.

This is a book, printed in London, containing 670 sentences and a bare list of 1500 words, which are rendered in Hindustani, Pushtu and Persian. Eoman character only is used. It. is a small book and necessarily covers but a small extent of each of the three languages. It may be obtained from Messrs. Kichardson and Co., Cornhill, London, for 6 rs.

The three books, briefly described, labour under one defect, which is, that each sentence is rendered in one way only. The student is not afforded the opportunity of contrasting idiom with idiom, word with word ; nor of exercising his powers of observation.

The Persian Manual now offered to the public contains: -

In Section 2, Part I., 555 sentences.
,, 3, Part I., 333 ,,
In Vocabulary, Part II., 1969 ,,
Total number of sentences 2857

This number 28.57 represents the actual number of English sentences rendered into Persian ; but almost every sentence is expressed in several ways. The actual number of Persian sentences probably amounts, at least, to , all methodically arranged.