Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/163

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Short Titles Act, 1896
Ch. 14.
Session and Chapter. Title. Short Title.
11 & 12 Vict c. 122. An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to amend the Laws," and ends with the words " from Customs Warehouse." The Bonded Warehouses  Act, 1848.
11 & 12 Vict c. 132. An Act for the Appointment of additional Taxing Masters for the High Court of Chancery in Ireland and to regulate the Appointment of the Principal Assistants to the Masters in the Saperior Courts of Law in Ireland. The Taxing Masters (Ireland)  Act, 1848.
12 & 13 Vict c. 1. An Act to consolidate the Boards of Excise and Stamps and Taxes into One Board of Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and to make Provision for the Collection of such Revenue. The Inland Revenue Board  Act, 1849.
12 & 13 Vict c. 4. An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Appointment of Vice-Guardians of Unions in Ireland. The Guardians (Ireland)  Act, 1849.
12 & 13 Vict c. 8. An Act to remove Doubts as to the Appointment of Overseers in Cities and Boroughs. The Poor Law (Overseers)  Act, 1849.
12 & 13 Vict c. 13. An Act to provide a more effectual Regulation and Control over the Maintenance of Poor Persons in Houses not being the Workhouses of any Union or Parish. The Poor Relief  Act, 1849.
12 & 13 Vict c. 14. An Act to enable Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways to recover the Costs of distraining for Rates. The Distress for Rates  Act, 1849.
12 & 13 Vict c. 16. An Act to protect Justices of the Peace in Ireland from vexatious Actions for Acts done by them in the Execution of their Office. The Justices Protection (Ireland)  Act, 1849.
12& 13 Vict c. 18. An Act for the holding of Petty Sessions of the Peace in Boroughs, and for providing Places for the holding of such Petty Sessions in Counties and Boroughs. The Petty Sessions  Act, 1849.