Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/456

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rvnaltifsin regulating Abu fes in his Majefty t lid fc Acts m ,° , /■ -J A T • /I - • " Fores ueie. ^'^° aforelaid Acts aCTainlt 408 C. 5,7. Anno primo Jacobi II. A. D. 1685. and at fiich Times and Place"!, and no otherwife, than the faid Goods and Merchandizes may or ought to be unftiipped, unladen, or put into any Ship or other Veird to be laid on Shore or Laden, put ofTfroin Land into any Ship, or other Veffel, by Virtue of, and according to the true Intent and Meaning of the feveral Laws and Statutes made and enacted for the Payment of his Majefty's Cuftoms and Sablidies of Tonnage and Poundage, and for collefting and levying the faid Duties, and for preventing Frauds, and ■egulating Abufes in his Majefty's Cuftoms ; and all the Claufes, Penalties, and f^orfeitures mentioned in [ Mafters of Ships, Wharfingers, Seamen, and Boatmen, Carmen and Porters, Hull be to all Intents and Purpoies in full Force, touching and concerning any of the Goods and Merchan- dizes mentioned in this Aft, and the Duties impofed thereupon (as well in relation to their Landing at their Importation, as at the Loading of the fame at Exportation, as alfo for their carrying at any Time. Coaftwifc from one Port to another] as if the fame were herein particularly and at large recited ; and the Coni-niBioners Commiffioner or Commiflioners, CoUeiftor or Colleftors, Officer or Officers appointed as aforefaid, for the p' '^t'Is tii^re collcfting of this Duty, are hereby impowered, for the better coUeding the Duties hereby impoied, and therein avoiding all Frauds and undue Pradlices, with all the Powers and Authorities, the Commiffioners, Collectors, or Officers of the Cuftom-houfe have or may have, by Virtue of the aforementioned Laws in relation to the Management of the CuPcoms. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That Pon.iltics how 2I] Peiialties and Fcrleicures incurred by Virtue of this A<9:, ftiall and may be recovered by Adiion of Debt^ racorera e. gj]]^ Plaint, or Information, in his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, or in a ly of his Majefty's Courts of One Moiety to Record at Wejinihijier : And that one Moiety of all Penalties and Forfeitures herein mentioned fhall be to '■'^=^^'"S' the j]^g King's Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeftbrs, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall fue Profeciror. ^'^'^ '•'^^ fame ; wherein no Eftbin, Proteftion, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, or any more than one Imparlance : Provided always, That no Perfon or Perfons fliall fue for the aforefaid Penalties or Forfei- CTieroniydiall tiires, but fuch Oflicer or Officers as fliall be appointed by his Majefty, or by any Authority derived from piuacviti. him, for the Management of his Cuftoms, or the Duties impofed by this A£t. And be it hereby alfo -OfHcsrs ftjl! enacted, That all Officers, Deputies, Clerks, or Servants, which fhall have any Office or Imployment in I'weir CO txecute. the minaging, collecting, or attending upon the Colledtion of this Duty, fliall, before their entering upon their refpective Offices, Trufts, or Imploynients, take their refpeftive Corporal Oaths for the due 4nd faithful Execut'on and Difcharge, to the beft of th;ir Knowledge and Power, of the feveral Trufts and Imployments committed to their Charge, before the Commiffioners or Chief Managers of the Cuftoms of this Duty, or before the Cuftoiner or Comptroller in any Out-port of the Kingdom: And if any Commodity feized for any Offence committed againft this Adl, fhall be claimed by any Perfon whatfoever, or any Perfonal Information fhall be brought or commenced againft any Perfon for the recovering ■ of ' Tdlu^ ^^ '■° Duties or Forfeitures granted by this Aft, the Onus prohandi, or the Proof whether the Duties thereof plXupja ^2 P^'J or fecured, fhall Jie upon the Claimer or Defendant, and fliall not be incumbent on his Ma- Trial, jsfty, or any Profecutor or Informer on Behalf of his Majefty or himfelf : Provided fuch Seizure or In- formation be made or brought by Officers or Perfons imployed in his Majefty's Cuftoms, or the Duties ariftng by virtue of this Aft. Farther ProTJiJbns conccrn'wirTcb^cco, J IS %W. ^. c.zo. lo fef ii ^. 3. f. 21. z Ann. c. i), 6.4>tii.c,2Z. % Ann c. 13. izAnn. Jiat.t.. c.%, iGes.l, Jlat. z, f. 4&. 5 G«o. I. c. II. §. 19, 6 {Jeo, I. f. 21. 9 Gic. I. c. 21. izCm. I. f. 28. ziGeo.z.c.o.. Z^Gco. z. c. 4.1. aiiii 26 Gsa. z, c. J^. CAP. V. Aw Aft for granting an Aid to his Majefty by an Impcfition on all French Linens, and all Eaji-India Linen, and feveral other Manufaftures of India, and on all French wrought Silks, and Stuffs, and on all other wrought Silks, and on all Brandies, imported after the firft Day of July one thoufand fix hundred eighty-five, and before the firft Day of 'July one thoufand fix hundred and ninety, for the King's extraordinary Occafions. Exp. C A P. VL An Aft for the repealing certain Clraifes in an A£t of Parliament made in the nine and twentieth and thirtieth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty, for prohibiting ivTSL-/.' Commodities. Exp. The Prs- hibhlon being temporary. CAP. vir. An A<5b for reviving and continuing two former A£ts for Encouragement of Coinage. Tbe A<^^■on- TTTHEREAS great Benefit and Advantage hath accrued to this Kingdom by one Aft of Parliament ""c°^ 'rf^"* ^^ P^'^'^'^ '" ^^'^- '^'g^'^'^eenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, of Coinage." ' bleflcd Memory, indtuled, An ASt for Encouragement ofCoinnge, and continued by another Aft of Parlia- 25 Car. '2. c. S. ' ment pafied in the five and twejitieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King ; both which faid Afts are fince determined and expired, fo that unlefs the faid Aftj be revived and continued, the Encouragement ' given thereby will ceafe, and this Kingdom be deprived for the futur; of fo great a Good a; it hath thereby Tire Tmf ails ' for thefe Years laft.paft enjoyed ;' We therefore your Majefty's dutiful ancf loyal Subjefts, do give and jn the laid Aa grant unto your Majefty, the Rats, Duties, and Impofitions mentioned in th? fiid Aft- of Parliament made K-Ing.'" ' ° '" ^'^'^ eighteenth Year of the Pvcign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, Aa Aa for Encouragement of Cirnagc ; and do humbly pray that it may be enafted : TheAarrc- II. And be It enafted by the King's moft E>:cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of ^vcJ lorfcven the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament aHembled, and by the Au- Continj'dby '^^°'""'^y °^ the fame. That the faid Afts of Parliament, and every the Claufes, Articles, and 'Sentences therein contiineJ, ihall be, and are by Virtue of this Aft revived and contiiiued, and fhall be in Force for 2 , ■ • . the