Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/218

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174 C. 42, Anno viceiimo fecundo Georgii II. A. D. 1749. ceediiig ten thoufand Pounds, tovv'ards the Support of the Trade to Jfrka, in fuch Manner as his Majcfty fliall judge proper. 7,j8o1. 5s. S J. XXin. And it is hereby alfo enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That out of all or any the Aids or Sup- thrD'-ficlency P*^^ aforefnid, there fliall and may be iflued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding fcven ot'the Stamp thoufand One hundred eighty Pounds five Shillings and eight Pence, to replace to the Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Deficiency of the additional Stamp Duties at Chriji?nas one 13,827! 12 s. thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding thirteen thoufand of the DutLs'^on ^'i'^' hundred twenty-feven Pounds twelve Shillings and fix Pence, to replace to the faid Sinking Fund the Sweets. like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Deficiency of the Duty of twelve Shillings a Barrel on Sweets, or Wines made from BritiJ]} or Foreign Fruits or Sugar, at Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred 35,oool. for and forty-eight ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding thirty-five thoufand Pounds, to replace ^^liDuvls ^ ^'^ '^'^^ '^^ Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to anfwer one Year's Interefl-, due at Michael- was one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings ;>fr Centum per ylnnum, on the Principal Sum of one million lent on Ciedit of the Salt Duties, which were continued 15,297]. ris. f-Q,. f.j; Years, from Lady-day one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three, towards the Supply for the Year good the adJi- oHe thoufand fcven hundred and forty-five ; and any Sum or Sum.s of Money, not exceeding fifteen thou- wTries at^Mij-" '""'^ '^° hundred ninety-feven Pounds eleven Shillings and five Pence Halfpenny, to replace to the faid iumner 1748; Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Deficiency of the additional Duties on lod Deficiency Wines at Midfiamncr one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not at Lhiiftmas exceeding one thoufand four hundred fixty-tv/o Pounds fix Shillings and ten Pence, for making good the 9,3. 81. 7 s. 4d. Deficiency of the faid additional Duties on Wines at Chrijhnas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight; i-hc D^tv on Li- ^'^^ '^^^ Sum ot Sums of Money not exceeding nine thoufand three hundred and eight Pounds feven Shil- ccntfs fov leiail- lings and four Pence, to replace to the faid Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good Liqno'rs ■ the Deficiency of the Duty on Licences for retailing of Spirituous Liquors, at Lady-day one thoufand feven 33 "^"-l-'- 13." hundred and forty-eight; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding thirty-three thoufand eight hun- ciiency of the dred and four Pounds thirteen Shillings and one Penny Halfpenny, to replace to the faid Sinking Fund the and Spiiituous ^i^e Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Deficiency of the Duties on Glafs and Spirituous Liquors, Liquors atM d- jjf M'ulfummer one thoufimd feven hundred and forty-eight ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceed- rMmmcri74.S; •' -n r n 41,8221. :os, ing forty-one thoufand eight hundred twenty-two Pounds ten Shillings and five Pence, for making good the 5d. Deficiency Deficiency at Chriflmas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, of the faid Duties on Glafs and Spl- at Cnriltmas ■' -^ j a ? r i74S)_ rituous Liquors ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding twenty-eight thoufand two hundred fix- 5d'. 3q, D'.ft- ty eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and five Pence three Farthings, to replace to the faid Sinking Fund the ucncy of t!ie ]j].g gm-^^ „^^ Qyj. gf (j-je fame, to make good the Deficiency of the new Duties on Houfes, AVindows and Dnt:cs on "^ . . jo 1 ^ 3 Koufirs, &c. flights, at Mlchaehnas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not 1748^"'^""^ exceeding thirty -one thoufand and fixty Pounds fixteen Shillings and one Halfpenny, to make good the an(l,3i,o6ol. Dtficiency of the faid new Duties on Houfes, Windows and Lights, at L^ady-day one thoufand feven hun- dcncy at Lady- ^rcd and forty-nine ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding four hundred fevcnty thoufand one ti.:y i749i hundred eighty-fix Pounds nine Shillings and fix Pence Farthing, to make good the Deficiency of the 470, !861, 9 S. '^ ■' ° 3J o 1 6 J. I q. Dirt- Grants for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight. Gia-ts for 1748; XXIV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Aids or Supplies provided as The Supplies, to aforefaid fhall not be iffued or applied to any Ufe, Litent or Purpofe whatfoever, other than the Ufes and be applied only Pyrpofes before mentioned, or for the feveral Defi.ciencies or other Payments directed to be fiuisfied there- as rhis Aftai- ^^^ ]^y ^^^^ ^^q. ^j. /^j^-g^ qj. ^,-,y particular Claufe or Claufes for that Purpofe contained in any other Acl or A(i of this prefent Seflion of Parliament. XXV. And as to the faid Sum of fixty-feven thoufand two hundred twenty-fix Pounds eighteen Shil- lings and four Pence, by this A6t appropriated on Account of Half-pay, as aforefaid ; It is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefiiid, That the Rules herein after prefcribed fliall be duly obferved in the Rules to he Application thereof; that is to fay. That no Perfon ihall have or receive any Part of the fame, who was a chferved ,n:hc Minor, and Under the Age of fixteen Years, at the Time when the Regiment, Troop or Company, in iipplicdti. n of v/hich he fervcd, was reduced ; that no Perfon fliall have or receive any Part of the fame, except fu:h Per- f ^"'" °* fons who did aiElual Service in fome Regiment^ Troop or Compapy ; that no Perfon having any other Aj'"appvopr'.-u'ed Phice or Employment of Profit, Civil or Military, under his Majelly, fliall have or receive any Part of the Oil ..ccoiiiit of faid Flalf-pay ; that no Chaplain of any Garifon or Regiment, who has any Ecclefiallical Benefice in Gicat Hah-pay. Britain or Ireland, fhall have or receive any Part of the faid Malf-pay ; that no Perfon fhall have or receive See farthii-i'), gpy Pjij-t of the fame, who has refigned his Commiffion, and has had no Conimiffion fince; that no Part of Geo. i.e. 7,1. ^-^^ [ame fliall be allowed to any Perfon by virtue of any 'Warrant or Appointmrnt, except to fuch Perfons, i" • *+• .^vho would luve been otherv/ife intitled to the fan;e as reduced Officers j and that no Part of the fame fhnlt 3 te