Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/219

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A. D. 1749. Anno vicefimo lecundo Georgii IT. C. 43, 44. 175 be allowed to any of the Officers of the five Regiments of Dragoons, and eight R.egiiT)cnts of Foot, lately difbanded in Ireland, except to fuch as were lately taken off the Eftablifhment of Half-pay in Great Britain. ' XXVI. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the tv/enty-firft Year of his Majefty'a Reign, hGco. 7., cj.^. ' fin-:ituled. An Aii for granting to his Majejiy the Sum of one ?niUion out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service ' of the Tear one thoufand fcven hundred and forty- eight ; and for applying a Sum of Money remaining in the ' Exchequer, arifcn by the Kates and Duties on Houfes, which deter7nincdatj2L&-^-iiZ-^onethm4fandfeven bun-' three Regiments of Horfe lately reduced, feveral Supplies which had been granted to his Majelty, as is there- ' in mentioned, were appropriated to feveral Ufes and Purpofes therein exprefled, amongft v/hich, any Sum '- or Sums of Money, not exceeding twenty-feven thoufand two hundred twenty-four Pounds and fix Shil- '• lings, was appropriated to be paid to the reduced Officers of his Majefty's Land Forces and Marines, fub- ' jetfb ncverthelefs to fuch Rules to be obfcrved in the Application of the faid Half-pay, as in and by the ' aforefaid Aft were prefcribed in that Behalf;' Now it is hereby provided, enadted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That fo much of the faid Sum of twenty-feven thoufand two hundred twenty-four AppHcation of fuch others, as by'reafon of their long Service or otherwife, his Majefty fliall judge to be proper Objects' Jion^te'Liih ■ of Charity, or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers, according to fuch Warrant or Warrants, under his Majefty's Royal Sign Manual, as fhall be figned in that Behalf; any thing in this A<3:, or the faid for- mer Aift to the contrary notwithftanding. XXVII And it is hereby lilcewife enafted. That out of the Monies or Savings arifing from the Money 6,039!. 10:. granted by Parliament, for the Relief and Provifion of the Widows of Officers, vAio have been killed or ?><'• out of the died in the Service, there fliall and may be ifllied and applied, by any Vv^'arrant or Warrants of his Majelly, Allowance tor_ under his Royal Sign Manual, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding fix thoufand thirty-nine o^fYr"trde'. Pounds ten Shillings and eight Pence, for defraying the Charge of the Off-reckonings, belonging to the frJythe'ofF- . late third and fourth Troops of Horfe Guards reduced, and Allowances to Private Gentlemen of the faid reckonings to Troops, on their retiring from the Service, for the Year one thoufand fcven hundred and forty-nine. the 3d and 4ih_ XXVIII. And be it further enai^Hrsd by the Authority aforefaid. That the Bounties on the Exportation of Tiocpsof Horis ■Britijh and Irif Coarfe Linens, fhall continue to be paid in the like Manner, and under the like Regula- Bo"i'nti'c5'on the tions as direfted by the Afts of the fifteenth and fixteenth, and of the eighteenth Years of his Majeily's Expoitatiuii ot" Reign, from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufitnd feven hundred and fifty, for and during Brithli and irift ,,the further Term of three Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament; and Linens comlna- . that the fame be paid out of fuch Part of the old Subfidies, as is applicable to the Payment of Incidents, '^'^ ^'^l 3^^'"'^- and that an Account of fuch Bounties, together with the Q^jantity oi Britifi and Irifi Coarfe Linens inti- ther£o7t"o"be tied to the fame refpedlively, be laid before the Houfe of Commons every Seffion of Parliament, in Order to ijidbffori il.e: , the replacing the fame out of the next Aids to be granted in Parliament. Parliament yearly, " Upon Affidavit made of Exchequer Bills, Tickets, Certificates, Receipts, Annuity Orders, &e. being " loft or otherwife deftroyed, before i AiiguJ} 1749, ^c. the refpective Officers are to make out Duplicates " thereof, and to difcharge the fame. Cammiffioners of the Treafury impowered to fign the Duplicates." EXP. CAP. XLIII. An AiElfor the further enlarging the Term and Powers granted and continued by two Afls of Parliament, the one paiTed in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Qi_ieen Anne, and the other in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George_ the Firfl:, for repairing the Roads from the City o^ IVorceJler, through the Borough oi Droitvjich, to Dyers Bridge near Bromfgrove, in the County of JVorceJler ; and alfo for repairing the Roads from Dyers Bridge through the Town of Bromfgrove to Spadef- bourn Bridge, and from Droitwich to Bradley Brook, in the fame County. P R. The Aifts 12 Ann. and 12 Geo. i. c. 20, continued for zi Years. C A P. XLIV. An Aft to enable fuch OfHcers, Mariners and Soldiers as have been in his Majefty's Service fince his Accefiiun :o the Throne, to exerciie Trades. „ „ ^or Jorjflir Lj'-.vf 7 HERE AS there hith been and arc divers O-ficers, Mariacrs arid Soldiers Vv^ho have ferved his XT"'"£/«' Majefty in the late Wars by Sea or Land, fome of which arc I'vlen that ufed Trades, others that I'^H.'i."."?. were Apprentices to Trades who had not ferved out their Times, and others, who by their own Indullry fif ,g. ' -j'h.j, have made themfilvcs apt and fit for Trades; many of which, the Wars being now ended, would wil- c i. a Gf j ' lingly employ themfelves in thofe Trades which t!icy wore formerly accuftomsd t^>, or which they are apt ^'^- ■ ^- ^• or able to follow and make ufe of, for the getting their Living by their own Labour, but are or may be 5'- • 3- hjndered from exercifing thofe 1 rades in certain Cities and Corporations, and other Places '^•tiifi this jj'^^' ^'j^' '* Kingdom, becaufo of certain Ey-laws and Cuiloms of thofe Places, and of the Statute made in the fifth ,. ,3!" i'cj}.' Year of Queen Ei.ikabeth, prokibiting the LTfc of certain Trades by any Perfon v;hoha:h not ferved 3. .-. ..7.- {ce-. as an Apwentie:; to fiich 1 radj for the Space of fcven Yi;ars ;' fo;; Rcuitdy Wvicrcof be it enafied by the '■ ■■■ '■ 9 ^■.'.