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the ſurpriſing manner of the ſame. Some mountain God's people are kept threſhing at all their days, eſpecially the mountain of coruption, and they never fall quite down till dead. But as a pledge for the time to come. God makes now and then ſome mountains to fall down before the Worm Jacob, wherewith he is ſurpriſed and tranſported with wonder how it came to paſ . Mark, xvi 4. 5. 'and when they looked, they ſaw the ſtone was rolled away,———and they were affrighted.

Secondly A total ſucceſs at the end of their ways which will ſwallow them up in ſurpriſe and eternal wonder: 1. John, iii. 2. 'Beloved, now are we the ſons of God and it doth not yet appear what we ſhall be: But we know that when we ſhall appear, we ſhall be like him: for we ſhall ſee him as he is. When the myſtery is finiſhed the W(illegible text) cut out it will appear an admirable peice, there will not be left then the leaſt veſtage of all the mountains that ſtood between heavn and them the threſhing mountains will then be blown away with the wind, and they will lay by the Firſt as an inſtrument they have no more uſe for

Object But have not others as well as Worm Jacob, mountains of difficulties in their way, which they become maſters of at length.

Anſ This world is ſo mountanious, than none can get through it without meeting mountains in their way: Carnel mor make a ſhift to creep through ſome of them: but they can threſh none of them as Worm Jacob doth, they want his hand and Staff John, xv. 5. 'Without me thou can do nothing' They creep into others of them and neſtle in them; the mountains of their eruptions, which in a ſpecial manner ſtated between heavn and them, and at length they will be eternally buried under them.

Uſe 1 here is a touch ſtone for trial of true Chriſtians and worthy Communicants, Worm Jacob threſhing the mountains.

Firſt, They have a heart and ſpirit for threſhing