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but they have no heart to be threſhers. 'But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing, James. . 4 He that ſhall endure to the end, the ſame ſhall be ſaved. Mat. xxiv. 13

Laſtly Worm Jacob has many mountains to threſh. One wound is enough we would think for the worm, but there is a plurality of them. The truth is, this world is full of mountains to the people of God; and when they have threſhed one, they will have another one to fall to, till they be out of this mountainous country. Having paſſed one difficulty, they will get another to grapple with, till they be within the gates of the city. So they muſt be within the gates of the city. So they muſt have a threſhing lifetime of it, if they come there.

2 A ſurpriſing Succes, even as ſurpriſing as a Worm threſhing and beating the mountains ſmall to duſt, and the threſhing them away. Such will in (illegible text) of the encounters which the pople of God now have with their difficulties in their ways through the world, for which the Text is plain. We take it up in theſe two. They will have

Firſt. Patrial Succeſs, as in their way, very ſurpriſing to others, and to themſelves Pſal xxvi 1. 2. 'When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our toungs with ſinging: then ſaid they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them.' What mountains of difficulties were in David's way to the kin dom, he threſhed long at them, and they never appeared to give way; nay, 'I ſhall periſh by the hand of Saul' But (illegible text) the ſurpriſing ſucceſs Pſal xvii inſiſted, 'a Pſalm of David, in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his (illegible text), and from the (illegible text) of Saul ' Wherin after the recapitulating the various difficulties he had to encounter with he particularly mentions the happy deliverance he met with and