Page:Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.pdf/18

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of the trenches to find a bold and intrepid fellow, to execute an important enterpriſe, for which he promiſed a reward of a hundred piſtoles. The ſoldier we are ſpeaking of, who paſſed for the braveſt in the regiment, offered his ſervice, and going with thirty of his comrades, which he had the liberty to make choice of, he diſcharged a very hazardous commiſſion, with incredible courage and good fortune. Upon his return the general officer highly commended him, and gave him the hundred piſtoles which he had promiſed. The ſoldier preſently diſtributed them amongſt his comrades, ſaying he did not ſerve for pay, and demanded only that if his late action ſeemed to deſerve any recompenſe, they would make him an officer. And now, ſir, adds he to the general officer, who did not know him, I am the ſoldier you abuſed ſo much fifteen days ago, and I then told you I would make you repent of it. The general officer in great admiration, and melting into tears, threw his arms around his neck, begged his pardon, and gave him a commiſſion that very day.

The Paſſions ſhould be governed by Reaſon.

SOPHRON and Alexis had frequently heard Euphronius mention the experiment of ſtilling the waves with oil, made by his friend Doctor Franklin. They were