Page:Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.pdf/19

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impatient to repeat it; and a briſk wind proving favourable to the trial, they haſtened, one evening to a ſheet of water in the pleaſure grounds of Eugenio, near Hart Hill. The oil was ſcattered upon the pool, and ſpread itſelf inſtantly on all ſides, calming the whole ſurface of the water, and reflecting the moſt beautiful colours. Elated with ſucceſs the youths returned to Euphronius, to enquire the cauſe of ſuch a wonderful appearance. He informed them that the wind blowing upon water which is covered with a coat of oil, ſlides over the ſurface of it, and produces no friction that can raiſe a wave. But this curious philoſophical fact, ſaid he, ſuggeſts a moſt important moral reflection. When you ſuffer yourſelves to be ruffled by paſſion, your minds reſemble the puddle in a ſtorm. But reaſon, if you hearken to her voice, will then, like oil poured upon the water, calm the turbulence within you, and you to ſerenity and peace.

Scepticiſm condemned.

SOPHRON aſſerted that he could hear the ſlighteſt ſcratch of a pin at the diſtance of ten yards. It is impoſſible, ſaid Alexis, and immediately appealed to Euphronius, who was walking with them. Though I don't believe, replied Euphronius,