Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/574

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Asia, boundary between Europe and, I. 34, 35.
Assault, how punished, I. 75.
Assembly of Nobles, memorial of, I. 273.
Atéchestvenia Zapiski, I. 142, 143. See also Annals of the Fatherland.
Athenæum, I. 31.
Atlantic Monthly Magazine, II. 431.
Aül, description of a Kírghis, I. 145-149.
Aurora borealis, I. 60.
Austria, prison death-rate compared with that of Tiumén, I. 98; compared with Russia in punishment of political offenses, 258.
Authors, Russian, hanged, imprisoned, or exiled, II. 494 ; quoted, etc., see their names.
Baikál Lake, II. 1, 62, 64-67, 343.
Balagáns, I. 314-318.
Balagánsk, crime in, II. 463; prison at, 526, 541, 542.
Balákhina, Mrs., case of shooting of, with treatment of exile surgeon in the matter, II. 47, 48.
Banishment, rules for, II. 508, 509.
Barába, steppe of, I. 139.
Barabásh, Gov., 11.61, 330, 532; forbids our seeing political prison at Kará, 196.
Baránof, Gov., report of, on administrative exile, I. 276, 277; invokes aid of censor of press, II. 491.
Bárdina, Sophie, Russian revolutionist, II. 184, 450.
Barges, convict, I. 110-119. 294, 296-301, II. 520, 523.
Barnaül, town of, I. 281; museum at, II. 390; prison at, 527, 538, 540, 541.
Bastinado, the, I. 74, 75.
Begging, in name of religion, I. 71, 72; how punished, 76.
Belgium, prison death-rate compared with that of Tiumén, I. 98.
Bell, flogging a church, I. 354; its history, II. 421, 422.
Belokónski, Iván Petróvitch, political exile, I. 261, II. 39, 407, 449, 450, 526.
Berél, I. 208-211.
Berél River, I. 208, 211, 217, 218, 226.
Berezniúk, ——, political exile, II. 207.
Berózef, gold mines of, I. 40-42, 77, II. 31, 43.
Berry, Capt., II. 105.
"Between Hammer and Anvil," objectionable novel, II. 494.
Beverly, ——, political exile, killing of, II. 26.
Bialovéski, Adam, political exile, I. 240, 241.
Bíbikof, ——, political exile, II. 219.
Bielaüsof, Siberian pioneer, I. 208.
Biéli, Dr., political exile, I. 249-253, II. 39.
Bieli, Mrs., sufferings and death of, I. 251, 252.
Bíisk, prison at, II. 538, 542.
Birusínski étape, II. 527, 541, 543.
Black Berél River, I. 217.
Blacksmithing in Siberia, I. 362, 363.
Blagovéishchensk, prison at, II. 542, 546.
"Blind Musician," the, I. 245.
Blok, Alexander L., political exile, I. 232, 234-237.
Bobókhof, Sergéi, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; suicide of, 268. Bobrofski, prison officer, brutality to Madam Kaválskaya, II. 264; flogs Madam Sigída, 267; promotion of, 267.
Bogaródski, Col., warden of Petropávlovsk prison, I. 323.
Bogdánof, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Bogdanóvitch, Prof. Fiorian, political exile, II. 20, 447.
Bogoliúbof, ——, flogging of, II. 234.
Bogomólets, Dr., I. 184.
Bogomólets, Madam, political exile, II. 216, 258, 338.
Boguslávski, Arsene, trial and condemnation of, II. 442-445.
Bólomez, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Books, expurgated, suppressed, prohibited, etc., see their names; consulted in preparation of this work, II. 475-483.
Boródin, Mr., political exile, I. 245, 240, 271.
Botí, II. 277.
Boundary post between Russia and Siberia, I. 51-54.
Bourse Gazette, II. 485, 491, 492, 493.
Boyárskaya, arrival at, II. 67, 68.
Branding, I. 74, 75, II. 463.
Brehm, ——, explorations in the Altái, I. 188.
Breshkófskaya, Madam, political exile, II. 54, 119-122.
Brodyágs, I. 293, 373, 374, 380-382, 389, 390, 393, 407, 409, II. 154, 461, 462, 549.
Brut, Iván, pseudonym of Felix Volkhófski, I. 340.
Búhler, Baron, I. 3, 5.
Búkhtarmá, settlement of, I. 229.
Búkhtarmá River, I. 195, 200, 203-206, 208, 211, 213, 229.
Bukófski, Adam, Siberian mining proprietor, II. 17. 63.
Bulubásh, Gov., I. 336.
Búnge, Dr., I. 61.
Bureau of Exile Administration, establishment of, I. 77.
Buriát shrines, II. 99.
Burkháns, II. 88-94; dance of, 92-94.
Burléi, ——, administration at Kará, II. 260.
Bútin, Mr., II. 17; house at Nérchinsk, 323, 324.
Butsínski, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237