Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/575

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Cabinet mines, II. 286.
Cable, George W., on convict systems, I. 100, 102, II. 536.
Camels in Siberia, I. 103, 157, 158, 161, 162, II. 298, 418.
Capital punishment, I. 74, 76.
Caspian Sea, I. 13, 15.
Castiúrin, Victor, political exile, II. 193.
Catherine the Second, I. 65; exile system under, 76, 248.
Catherine's Alley, I. 65.
Cattle-plague, II. 415, 416.
Caucasians, defensive measures against, I. 145.
Caucasus, bureaucratic methods in, II. 471.
Censor, censorship. See Press and names of publications, authors, etc.
Central Asia, commerce of, I. 16; frontier of, 58.
Century Magazine, the, I. iv, vi, 1, II. 176, 267, 270, 271, 428, 447, 510, 512-516, 523, 536.
Chaikóftsi, the, II. 501.
Charúshin, Mr., political exile, II. 118, 209, 210, 216, 324, 325, 450.
Cheddo-Ferotti, Russian author, II. 505.
Cheremkhófski, prison at, II. 527.
Cherévin, Gen., at head of revisory commission, I. 272.
Chernaief, Gov., II. 252, 253.
Cherniávski, Iván, political exile, II. 25.
Cherniávski, Mrs., distressing case of, II. 25-28.
Chernishéfski, Russian author and political exile, II. 249-251, 494; attempts to rescue, 251-253.
Chernoyárskaya, solving a mystery at, I. 152.
Cherómka, our stop at, II. 355.
Chinese dinner, a, II. 105, 112-116.
Chíta, arrival at, II. 128; the town and its inhabitants, 128-130; care of lunatics at, 228; Madam Kutitónskaya's attempt to assassinate Gov. Ilyashévich at, 241; departure from Nérchinsk for, 325; return to, 329; political exiles at, 330, 336-339, 342; a mysterious nocturnal adventure in, 339-341; difficulty about secreting my papers, 341, 342; farewell to exiles at, 342, 343: prison at, II. 541, 546.
Chúdi, prehistoric people of Siberia, II. 398.
Chudnófski, Solomon, political exile, I. 322-324, 345, II. 436, 449, 450, 494.
Chúiski Alps, I. 188, 200, 201.
Civil rights, forfeiture of, I. 79, 82.
Climate on Káma River, I. 24; of Siberia, I. 57-64, 103, 105, 145, 157, 158, 190, 191, 193, 201, II. 65, 71, 72, 298.
Coal Creek, Tenn., prison system at, I. 100, 101.
Coal mines, I. 35.
Cold, Asiatic pole of, I. 60, 61.
Colonization, forced, I. 75, 259, 260, 346, II. 57, 58, 458-470, 546, 548, 552.
Color, Russian love for, I. 20, 21, 23, 189, 198, 209-211, 353, II. 75, 80, 82, 86, 94, 99.
Communal exile, I. 79, 80, II. 546; proposed reforms in, 469, 470.
Communes, land tenure of, I. 66.
Conscription, evasion of laws, II. 221.
Convict barges, I. 110-119, 294, 296-301, II. 520, 523.
"Convict Lease System in the Southern States," II. 536.
Convict's Head, the political exiles' burial-ground, II. 212.
Convicts. See Exiles.
Convoy commands, I. 369, 370.
Copper mines, I. 35, 281.
"Coriolanus," objections to performance in Russia, II. 489.
Correspondence, supervision of, II. 54, 55, 121, 341.
Cossack Messenger, II. 492.
Cossack troops, I. 197; methods of breaking up street meetings, II. 45, 46; guards for prisoners, 140.
Cossack villages, I. 144, 145, 155, 188, 195-197, 206, 207, 227.
Costelloe, B. F. C, author, II. 431.
Costume, Russian, I. 13, 14, 21, 23, 189, 209-211, II. 75, 80, 82, 80, 94, 99.
Cracow, trial of socialists at, I. 258.
Cuckoo, effect of notes of, on exiles, II. 153-155.
Dagmár, Crown Princess, interest in Véimar's case, II. 203, 204.
Dálgúshkas, II. 102.
Danenhower, Lieut., survivor of the Jeannette, II. 105.
Daúrski silver mines, I. 76.
Debagóri-Mokriévich, Vladímir, Russian revolutionist, II. 184.
Decapitation, I. 74.
Decembrists, the, II. 208, 280, 288
Deer farm, a Siberian, I. 208, 209.
De Long, Lieut., Siberian experiences of, I. 103.
Demídof, Capt., commandant at Górni Zerentúi, II. 312, 315.
Denmark, prison death-rate compared with that of Tiumén, I. 98; sick- and death-rates of prisons in, II. 533.
Desertion, how punished, I. 75.
"Destiny of Capital in Russia," II. 212.
Devil's Sand Box, the, I. 158.
Dieheskúla, Madam, I. 180-182, 184, II. 54.
Dicheskúlo, ——, political offender, II. 234.
Diélo, Russian magazine, I. 243, 244, 324, II. 488, 493.
Dikófski, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.