Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/586

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Rogatchóf, Madam Véra, attempted suicide of, II. 236, 237, 240.
Róssikova, Madam, political exile, II. 216, 335, 338, 375-378, 447.
Royal Geographical Society, rules for Russian spelling, I. ix.
Rozhnófski, account of treatment of Dostoyéfski, I. 143.
Rúble, value of, I. 9.
Rúdenko, Lieut.-col., brutality of, II. 233, 240.
"Rules Relating to Police Surveillance," I. 273, 274, II. 25, 30, 32, 34-44, 47, 53, 55, 59.
"Rules Relating to Preservation of Order and Tranquillity," I. 271, II. 507.
Russ, II. 490.
Russia, suspicion in, I. x; holidays in, 2; material resources of, 14; dangers to students of life in, 31; culture in, 36; criminal code of, 74, 75; apathy of government in matters of prison reform, 95; exports of manufactures to Siberia, 105; the Imperial Post, 122-124; desire for constitutional government in, 179; martial law proclaimed in, 257; compared with Austria in punishment of political offenses, 258; restrictions on druggists, 264; arrogance of officials in, 396, 397; corruption in, 388, 389, II. 332; financial difficulties in the way of prison reform, 6, 465, 468; bureaucratic system in, 173, 219, 294-297, 314, 317, 372-374, 424-428; travesty of justice in, 202, 203; difficulties in leaving, 424-428; the anti-Government party in, 430 et seq.; trial of political cases by court-martial, 445; evils and projected reforms in, 457-471; laws and orders with regard to political offenses, 507-509; prison administration in, 539.
"Russia, Social and Political," II. 506.
"Russia and the Revolution," II. 431.
Russian Affairs, II. 492, 493.
Russian-American Telegraph Co., I. 1, II. 426.
Russian Antiquity, II. 452. See also Russkaya Stariná.
"Russian Convicts in the Salt Mines of Iletsk," I. 297.
Russian Gazette, II. 22, 23, 441, 513, 514, 522, 539. See also Rússkia Védomosti.
Russian Government, my predilections in favor of, I. iv; predisposition in writer's favor, iv; supposed misrepresentations concerning, iv; favorable attitude of, v; my championship of, v; limitation of my criticism of, v, vi; instructions of, with regard to us, 121; supposed motives in granting us leave to inspect prisons, 302-304; excessive paternalism of, II. 378.
Russian Imperial Post, I. 355.
"Russian Laws, Collection of," I. 254.
Russian names, system of spelling, I. ix.
"Russian Resident of Eastern Siberia," anti-nihilist article by, I. 253-256.
"Russian Revolutionary Literature," I. 258.
Russian Revolutionary Party, Program of the, II. 495-506.
Russian skirmish drill, I. 197.
"Russian State Prisoners," II. 267.
Russian statistics, value of, I. viii.
Russian Thought, II. 23, 212, 441, 485-487, 489, 491. See also Rússkaya Misl.
Russian Workman, II. 492.
Rússkaya Misl, I. 309, 527. See also Russian Thought.
Rússkaya Sariná, I. 31, 258, II. 451. See also Russian Antiquity.
Rússkia Védomosti, II. 488, 489, 491, 492. See also Russian Gazette.
Rússki Kuriér, II 487, 488, 492.
Saadi, fable of, I. 263, 264.
Safiánof, Mr., II. 397, 398, 400, 415.
Saghalín, command given to Gen. Kononóvich, II. 221, 222; shipment of convicts to, with harsh orders as to politicals, 261, 262; flogging at, 262; proposition to send vagrants to, 469; transportation of convicts to, 510, 549; prison at, 546, 548-550.
St. Petersburg, departure for, I. i, 1; preliminary excursion to, iv; departure from, 5; prisons in, II. 234, 429; return to, 422; an anxious moment in, 422-424; subsequent visit to, 428.
Sáltikof, Shchedrín, Russian editor, II. 440, 494.
Salt mines, I. 35.
Saltstein, Lieut.-col., warden of prison at Algachí, II. 290-297, 307.
Samára, I. 16.
Samárin, U. F., memorial of, I. 273.
Sand-storm, I. 192, 193.
Sanitary conditions. See Prisons.
"Sanitary Condition of Prisons, The," II. 521, 528.
Sávenkof, Iván, Siberian archæologist, I. 360, 361, II. 366, 384.
Sávenski mine, II. 315-317.
Schevchénko, ——, Russian poet, punishment of, I. 268, II. 494.
Schiller, H. A., political exile, I. 264-267.
Schlusselburg, the "stone bags" of, II. 237, 239; Muíshkin's imprisonment in, trial, and execution, 257, 258.
Schmidt, Alexander, students' disapproval of, II. 490.
Schuetze, Lieut., I. 368, II. 17, 63.
Science, pursuit of, under difficulties, II. 493.
Scurvy, II. 148.
Séiverni Véstnik, II. 531.
Selengá River, II. 71, 102, 123, 124, 535.
Selengínsk, leave Boyárskaya for, II. 68;