Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/587

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arrival at, 72; chief of police of, 74-82, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97; exile in, 122.

Semipalátinsk, railroad communication with, I. 5; arrival at, 155; description of the city, 155-158; commerce of, 157; library in, 160, 184; ferry at, 162; political exiles in, II. 31.
Semyónofski, Alexander, II. 211.
Semyónofski, Eugene, political exile, II. 209-212; suicide of, 210, 216, 259, 325.
Serfs, provisions for banishment of, I. 76.
Sergéyefski, Russian author, I. 76, 255.
Setting fire, how punished, I. 76.
Shaitánof, Mr., I. 239, 240.
Shakspere, objections to tragedies of, II. 489.
Shamárin, Constantine, political exile, II. 54, 119-121, 359, 366, 374, 376, 377, 379, 380.
Sharápof, Mr., Russian editor, removal of, II. 493.
Shchedrín, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237, 259.
Sheftel, Véra, political exile, II. 25.
Shelapugina, post-station of, II. 282.
Sheláshnikof, Gen., acting governor-general of Eastern Siberia, I. 328.
Shelgunóf, N. V., Russian publicist, II. 440, 441, 494.
Sheragulski, étape, II. 533, 541, 543.
Shílka River, II. 131-136, 138, 141, 145, 264, 276-280, 319, 320, 322, 323, 549.
Shishkó, ——, political exile, II. 210, 450.
Shúbin, ——, administration at Kará, II. 260.
Siberia, as field of research, I. iii; my first impressions of, iv; scope of my description of, vi; scope of my study of prison system of, vii; permits to visit, 2; trade and commerce of, 13, 16, 31, 49, 105; boundary of, 34, 35; leave Ekaterínburg for, 47; travel in, 49, 50, II. 355, 356; magnitude of the country, I. 55-57; common ignorance among Americans concerning, 55; boundaries of, 56; climate of, 57-64, 103, 105, 145, 193, II, 65, 71, 72 ; topographical aspects, I. 57-64; pole of cold in, 60, 61; agriculture, 62, 103, 138, 139; tobacco in, 62, 103, 157, 239, 240, II. 63; flora of, I. 62-65, 68, 70, 71, 136-138, 145, 149, 150, 155, 188, 193-195, 202, 205, 206, 213, 217, 218, 227, 232, 279, 283, 351, 352, II. 63, 72; birds of, I. 64, 150; system of land tenure, 66; mosquitos in, 70, 71, 139, 362; development of mines in, 76; erroneous conceptions of, 103-105; statistics of, 103-105; village aspects in, 130-136; scenery of, 130, 137, 145, 193-195, 202, 206, 213, 218-220, 289, 302; ignorance of America in, 135, 136; fauna of, 150, 217, 227, II. 63, 64; mosques in, I. 158; ferries, 162, 284, 285, 362, 368, II. 98, 132-134; "the, movement of young people into," I. 169, 170; English and American liferature in, 160, 184-186, 236, 330, 334, 335, II. 30, 106, 107, 179, 180; sunstroke, I. 191, 192; glaciers, 213, 217, 219-222, 224-226; fruits, 217, 218; silkworm culture, 239, 240; irrigation, 279; position of authorities in, on our researches, 302-309; our intercourse with officials, 304-310; liquor traffic, 352, 353; graveyards, 353; treatment of a road contractor in, 357; culture, 358-361; blacksmithing in, 362, 363; mail service in, 363, 364; lack of medical service in, II. 44; a tiger of, 63, 64; American clock in, 107; bureaucratic system in, 173; redivision of eastern part, II. 263; the first exile to, 421, 422; condemnation of exile to, 457; burden of exile system on, 457-471, 548; statistics of criminals sent to, 458, 459; highwaymen in, 462, 463; bibliography of, 475-483; reward of zeal in, 537.
"Siberia and Penal Servitude," I. 77, 384, II. 148, 158, 159, 280.
"Siberia and the Exile System," I. 303.
"Siberia as a Colony," II. 461, 467.
"Siberian Echoes," I. 340.
Siberian Gazette, the, I. 329, 334, 336, II. 43, 51, 450, 460, 462-464, 470, 490, 492, 517, 518, 521, 522. See also Sibírskaya Gazéta.
Siberian Italy, the, II. 383.
Siberian Messenger, II. 462, 492, 493, 514, 517, 518, 521, 522.
Siberian Switzerland, the, I. 121.
Sibír, the, I. 61, 272, II. 1, 8, 260, 440, 463, 488-492, 524, 528-530, 537; correspondent of, imprisoned and flogged, 491.
Sibíriakóf, I. M., supporter of Minusínsk museum, II. 395.
Sibírskaya Gazéta, II. 440, 525, 527, 532. See also Siberian Gazette.
Sidorátski, Vasílli, response to demand for oath of allegiance to Alexander the Third, II. 56-59.
Sidórski, Vladímir, political exile, I. 247.
Sigída, A. S., husband of Madam Hope Sigída, II. 268.
Sigída, Madam Hope, career of, II. 266-269, 271, 272; flogging of, 216, 266, 267, 269-272; death of, 267, 271, 272.
Silkworm culture, I. 239, 240.
Silver, Daúrski mines, I. 76; Altái mines, 281; Nérchinsk mines, II. 278-318.
Sims, Dr. P. D., report on Tennessee convict system, I. 100, 101.
Sipiágin, Mr., warden of Alexandrófski central prison, II. 345, 346, 348, 350.
Skalon, V. U., Russian author, II. 23.
"Sketches of Self-Government," II. 23.
Skóbelef, Gen., hero-worship of, I. 261-263.
Skrínikof, ——, provincial procureur, II. 402.
Slovtsóf, Mr., hospitality of, I. 106.
Smallpox, exposure to, II. 279, 281.
Smirnítskaya, Miss Hope, political exile, II. 266, 267; suicide of, 267.
Smirnóf, Councilor, expurgates the Koran, II. 493.
Smírnovo mine, number of convicts at, II. 317.